Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

The lady doth protest too much.

Running scared now helpless. Nordies are all talk no action. No wonder they were conquered so easily.

Are you saying he migrated to this failed state in search of a better life?


Yapp, yapp, yapp.

You’d swear I’d never heard that type of comment before. It usually comes from someone who is a bit riled.

He didn’t last anyway, he’s right back under the safety net of the British state. Independent living wasn’t for him

A proper country? Are you on the wind up…
Part of the economic policy was emigration …

You think Ireland isn’t? Hold on where are you from

Ireland. It’s hardly Denmark or the Netherlands, proper countries. If we were in charge of Holland it would have sank.

Holland has been a trade Goliath for centuries, had colonies all over the world. But you look at it now and think why can’t Ireland just be like that. Too stupid to be wasting time on I’m afraid.

Irish people who hate Sinn Fein largely remind me of Americans who live in their cars whilst working 40hrs a week, bankrupt by medical bills but won’t vote for Biden because ‘he’s a socialist’.
Ireland is goosed as a country because we’ve too many country bumpkins voting how their parents voted and won’t deviate.


He always says that FF and FG ruined the country as well.

He must think things were better under British rule I guess.

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Ireland is by most parameters one of the best countries to live in in the world


SF supporter here aghast at the thought of someone working 40 hours a week


Eoin “Harry Potter” O Broun doing a lot of “explaining” on Matt Cooper

As we all know when you are explaining you’re losing

Good Lord - the Dickensian horror of it :joy:


Scenario 3 as you put it is scenario 2. FF and Fg both have history as the magic beans party. In fact, they both actually handed over a tonne of state money to people costing the state overall a fortune.
Are you taking the piss when you say that more than any other party SF offer tax cuts? Ff bought an election bby giving back stamp duty to thousands of people. Millions of pounds spent to buy votes. I don’t like SF but you hate them with such a passion that you cant believe theyd ever do something right.
I think sf will end up turning the country a bit left and then being pragmatic when aborting some of their other policies.


I left out a word there, it was their supporters in the last election, when polled, prioritised tax cuts more than any other parties supporters. By a multiple of actual left leaning parties voters. That’s what SFs base is. Populist fools.

What makes you think they will be pragmatic and decent. What basis have you for this based on what they’ve done. They are objecting to developments all over the country. Or are you fooled solely by what they promise. Cough cough magic beans

And maintaining the status quo and making things worse, is not the same thing. You think they are?

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Again if we had Holland it would have sank. Proper country me bollix. You can’t even get a train to an airport here.

The Netherlands is still one of the world’s main tax havens , coming in fourth place on Tax Justice Network’s biennial ranking of tax havens . Only the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda scored worse than the Netherlands when it came to tax avoidance
