Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I’m mad as hell and i’m not gonna take this anymore…

One mans meat etc etc,time will tell if us Irish are as thick as the brits portray us, ie keeping the FF/FG monopoly going

SF real aim is to not replace but be FF (Nua) .A catch all populist nationalist party .


The name of the country is Ireland and it is a Republic. Maybe read up on your history.

The real funny bit is that people think that if FF & FG vanished in the morning things would be any different .

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Absolutely. But at least it’s with a view to securing a United Ireland as opposed to lining their own pockets.(I’ve no doubts they’ll line their own pockets on the way).

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Una Mullally said FG and FF together with someone else would be a disaster for Ireland.

I thought that their rule had already been a disaster though for decades according to her?

Is this a new disaster? When will the disasters end?

Its almost a pity that the “left” didn’t have a majority after the last election. It’d be fairly hilarious watching them huff and puff and fall out with each other. SF’s worst nightmare after another election could be trying to herd the various headbangers into place.

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Una is a bit of an idiot

Ya think? I’d say the chances of a left leaning majority would be down. Sure SF would get more but mostly at the expense of PBP and left leaning independents. Most of pbp were elected on shinner transfers. I think the economy would be first on everyone’s list and (wrongly in my book), theyd want fg to try fix it.

Edit. Misread your post @tallback . Carry on

Is Leo not a queen?

I’m not sure she is an idiot. However, she’s deeply invested in a variety of causes and political viewpoints. That makes her a zealot and a supporter rather than a journalist though. Even as a columnist she looks to lever in her point of view at every opportunity and bends any evidence to fit it and ignores evidence that may contradict her. I’m not sure what the point is after a while.

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It would have been irresponsible and a disaster for the country if the so called left went in together for the sake of it. Way too many differences and not a true left really bar one or two. FF/FG are the same so much easier for them to get together.

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I agree with you but even were the numbers to come in, there seems to be an assumption that Alan Kelly, all the leaders of the Social Democrats (how many now), both sides of the Greens and the various collection of Alphabet soup headbangers will all happily march behind Mary Lou and her fellow soldiers.

In my mind, there isn’t a fucking chance of that happening in the real world for any length of time.

By god :laughing:

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SF, Labour & SDs are much nearer to FF & FG than the alphabet soupers .

Leo’s misogyny unchecked yet again. Where’s @glasagusban when he’s actually needed.

A lot of the Pretend IRA crew, when it comes to political party affiliations are not Shinner supporters. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is Renua and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is the Green Party.

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Paul Murphy, Clare Daly, Richard Boyd-Barrett et al political cowards who in this day and age enjoy the privilege of social media and easy publicity to stay in the headlines. Back in the day the majority of the headbangers had to move into the centre to stay relevant, now they don’t need to and what’s more they want to as they have seen what actual political power has done to small political entities on the island. The ones who stayed outside the tent could persist if they were very well liked (like Joe Higgins) but their political machinery generally died.

The Soc Dems will be an interesting one going forward as their leadership are part of the band of non compromisers. The Democratic Left was the halfway house in bringing the Stickies into normal political life and ultimately into Labour. The Soc Dems leadership are splitters from Labour and are almost the inverse. At some stage though their new members will want some form of power. They aren’t complete headbangers like the Solidarity PbP crowd, most of them would have been in Labour 10 years ago. I doubt either Catherine or Roisin will be brave enough to ever go inside the tent.