Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

When exactly did the 26 counties become Ireland?

Maybe check Article 4 of the Irish Constitution.

Is there no room at all for policies that make life fairer for people or parties that concentrate more on helping people who have had less advantages in life?

December '37.

Like this?

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Is that adjusted for cost of living?

Sorry - thatā€™s only to 80s

Oh dear


Sure Iā€™m sure there plenty studies showing the opposite. Do you honestly think fine gael are mostly interested in making the country fairer and helping out disadvantaged people? Theres a place for their politics too but the ridiculous thing about ireland is weā€™ve never even tried a left wing government.

From the 20s! :laughing:

Clare Daly whether u like her or not is as far from a coward politically as you could get. Taking on Garda corruption is doing the state a service

Thanks. @Tim_Riggins wouldnā€™t answer the question. I actually thought that it wasnā€™t until 1949 or thereabouts. However, it makes no difference as it was those who betrayed their compatriots in the North who renamed one part of the island. Some of us reject that renaming.

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Interesting. I think a crisis promotes unity. It did even for the current caretakers. They got quite a bounce in support. In the fullness of time when it is seen that FG didnā€™t really handle this whole crisis very well, and when we are deciding what to prioritise next, will people go back to FG or look to an alternative? I think the case for the alternative can possibly be made even stronger.

Every party is now left wing since the last election

FGs record on the economy is a farce. They canā€™t control current expenditure and the reason for that is their own policies.

I hope people will start to see that FGs veneer or prudency and competence in managing the economy is a complete sham and that the emperor is wearing no clothes. Be interesting to see what they have left then.

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Do we have correlating graphs for national debt and FDI

Varadkar/FG have had a bit of luck with Brexit and Covid ā€¦ Not that they wished them on, but they have been able to hide behind them and play up to the gallery. In the one window where they couldnt, the last election, they were given a kicking.


Quote me some there. If they have straight up GDP involved thatā€™ll be a good laugh.

Do you realise how much extra spending the FG government made in 2019 relative to what they told the IMF they would? Iā€™ll give you a clue, it isnā€™t a single billion figure. All key indicators show Ireland taxes and spends up there with the best of them.

The line that weā€™ve never ā€œtriedā€ left wing government is a funny one. As if thereā€™s never been any input.

Yes mate. It helps to look across broad age ranges.

Iā€™m Aontu, mate.

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How do you think we accumulated that debt? Whatā€™s FDI have to do with it?

You realise the vast majority of our national debt relates to sustaining fiscal spending throughout the 2010s, not on banks.

Iā€™d love if we had a lower Debt to GNI* ratio. FG created some fiscal surpluses but still ballooned spending in the last few years since the economy took off again.

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