Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Yeah maybe. The notion that the alternative is this happy-clappy group who’ll all work together is a false narrative too though imho. It would be fascinating to watch them try

What spending did you not like?

Fellas talking about a right wing coalition :joy: Leo’s giving away a free €350 a week ffs. The shinners wouldn’t have dared to dream of it


Now now, you could have come straight out and said that you reject the name of this country without all of this faffing about.

Who is putting this happy clappy false narrative out there? This is the first I’ve heard of it. Could it be that this is another FG cheerleader jibe at the dreaded “the left”? “It would be fascinating to watch them try” is a bit condescending isn’t it? How well is varadkar doing at building cross party consensus and buy in? His manner doesn’t suggest he’s the greatest at it but perhaps I missed something.

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Well he led a minority coalition for several years with a lot of Independents involved. Now he is negotiating a 3 party coalition.

I reckon that’s a better track record on that front, tbh.

It’s been fascinating watching FG pour accelerant over the housing crisis and build the world’s most expensive hospital, have a couple of justice ministers resign in disgrace and another couple of their TDs drumming up the compo culture that’s rife in the state.

When their country needed them, they stood out front and centre in front of two massive crises.

He’s in charge of a police state. It’s the Sinn Fein dream.

Happy Clappy is my words but the notion of a broad left government (i.e pretty much every party except FF and FG) has been widely advanced both by the parties themselves and others. I doubt if you’ve missed it.

Varadkar and FG are shit in your opinion so you don’t need to worry about them in this discussion. Are you confident a government of the left, led by SF and including SD, Lab, Greens and AAA-PBP is viable?

Of course not, the numbers aren’t there for it.

Not now they aren’t but it is plausible that in a further election they would get low eighties. They would need all those parties though. In that scenario do you think it is viable?

I don’t reject the name of the country. It’s the Free State.

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A lot more things free up your side kiddo

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I caught a fuse few fishes here over the last twelve hours :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Yes indeed. There’s something very ironic about that name.

The name of the country is Ireland.

The Free State.

The name of the island is Ireland.

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Here you go guys, all in the Constitution of Ireland

The end


I reject the redesignation by traitors of the Free State to Ireland. The name of the part of the country comprising 26 of 32 counties is the Free State.