Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Paddy deserves everything he gets if he votes that shower in, a least Fianna Fail is a good party for business and getting things done

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Future Minister for Health

They might surprise you.

Anyone on 40k plus a year would be better off on the dole under Sinn Fein

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Ireland will up like Venezuela if they get in, they will utterly destroy everything that has been done since independence and send the country back in the 1950’s, I’d expect civil war aswell as they cannot accommodate any political views other than their fascism dressed up as Republicanism

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They’ll have to reverse the fox hunting ban so lads can ate.

This resembles the MAGA echo chamber a bit. Vilify anything that would inch us in the direction of socialism, or seem intent on fixing a health and housing issue the establishment have routinely ignored as the vast majority of them are landlords and are out of touch with what’s happening on the ground, instead pumping 1.5 billion into horse and greyhound racing on top of their long decades of mismanagement of a state. A fear of change and the unknown can be a great barrier to progress.


It might not be trendy or hip to vote for FF or FG but at least you get stability and experience and you know if you bother your bollox and better yourself amd make an effort to vote, you will be looked after

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Siinn Finn are a serious threat to national security, in every way

I think it could well be a SF-FF coalition. In reality it doesnt matter really as whoever goes in will have to toe the line to some extent.

I think its over egged how much any political party could realistically change things anyway unless you had the likes of the socialist PBP crowd in but thats never going to happen.

I could see Sinn Fein becoming similar to FF if they manage to be in a government coalition. They’ll let people down the same way etc

@glasagusban and @artfoley are manning the (interval) barricades for us.

We want them on the wall. We need them on the wall🙈

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It’s a sad state of affairs that they are electable. That’s the real story here. That’s Leo Varadkars legacy. A lunatic fringe party stuck on 7% when he took office is now biggest party in country …

Instead of focusing ire on SF who I’d never vote for why not ask why so many would


Ireland is a tax and spend country. You are utterly deluded.

All PSF will end up doing is managing things like the rest of them have. They’ve been stripping back most of their craziest policies as they’ve gone in the last decade or so. FF 2.0.

Corporation tax receipts are down for the last three months in a row.

Its a bit of a worry.

Pretty inevitable though, no?

If FG had balls in 2010 they likely would have been close to an overall majority and would have governed with a few independents till 2016.

That would have been Labour’s moment and they wouldn’t have had a car crash economy to fix like 2011.

The opposition outside of PSF are either independents (who have thrived in this new social media age) or the likes of the Soc Dems who had two eejits as co leaders for half a decade.

PSF fit the moment too in terms of social media and truth.

The real story imo is how despite everything going their way that PSF still are nowhere close to an overall majority. If a new 32 county movement had been founded in 1998 then I’d expect that party would be rollicking home in the south and the idea of a 32 county Republic wouldn’t be as unlikely as it appears right now. Instead we have a pseudo anti establishment party just there to collect jobs and pensions for a few tired old soldiers.

I don’t know how FG have managed to swing so far to the left and avoid a proper centre right party forming. I’m guessing it is to do with the general taste of the Irish electorate but more so how they successfully managed to move to the left on social issues with this deemed as more important (for now) for their core voting constituency.

They’ll end up levelling off for sure.

If you look at most of the tax raising ideas put forward (beyond the pure delusional), they won’t raise that much. When you look at how quickly money goes at the moment, there’s a fair bit of nonsense out there on improvements that can be made to our welfare state. We’re already spending a fortune on housing and that’s one of the only reasons so much of it is getting built right now.

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Can anyone answer me this, whats the sinners position on the WEF and wpuld Mary Lou be gping to Davos if elected into office?

SF have a motion to ration fossil fuels

Woulv be a great policy

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How do SF feel about horse racing and other such weirdo activities?

Establishment, elitism shite. Toffs. West brit activity. May as well be funneling a billion to Doonbeg to manicure the greens. Bunches of bog-hopping gombeens in bland suits wanting to curry favour with their new friends in the wealthy suburbs of the capital that stumble around golf courses with them.

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