Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

It’s going to be hard not to give them a bite if they go hard on this when it comes to the polls. Albeit they also want my land so there is that

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There’s no guarantee that they’ll be the change the country needs, but FF/FG have had enough shambolic spins of the wheel that they deserve to be sidelined for a decade or two to think about what they’ve done. The bogeymanification of the prospect of a SF gov without FF or FG holding their hand is ridiculous. I tell you, the border counties at the very least will be well lit up the night they cross the finish line :fire:

Probably didn’t interest them much as a legal industry for years.

A lot of their TDs and core constituency look like the types to prop up a Paddy Power though I’d say.


Shambolic spins making Ireland one of the best countries in the world

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“FFG have destroyed the country since the end of British Rule”

One cumann is bringing a motion against it but the paety is overruling it

…for the few. Anyone who believes that is very wealthy or delusional on a level of a MAGA meathead.

Yeah the last few decades have been a real disaster and nobody wants to live in this failed State.

Fuck SF.

“Ireland already has 7 million”

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For the vast majority

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Shh he’s mentioned MAGA again. He’s on the cusp of making a point I think.


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I see Mary Lou is attacking the homeless now.

The Shinners are trying to be an alternative to government, left wing but a little right wing too because their base doesn’t know what it is except anti everything.
They’ll be walking a tight rope for a while. I’d imagine they’ll fall off.


He might just be having a light refreshment before picking the kids up, men can pick the kids up too. Horribly patriarchal view of the world from MLMD.

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I called her out for this a few years back. It’s time for senior hurling now and her lack of set tactics is gonna do her… Long term, they need rid of her but they’re locked in for the next election… On which i predict won’t be as successful as is being touted.

My guess is Sinn Fein will get around 50-55 seats at the next election. They’ll get one seat at least in every constituency but I find it hard to see them get more than one seat in the majority of constituencies.

They’ll get two at least in the border constituencies and some of the urban ones, and maybe a couple of big five seaters, but beyond that it’s hard to see where they pick up the seats to go beyond low 50s.

They underestimated last time, they’ll probably overestimate this time… Ive no idea about the real world, but if you were to go by online reaction (silly i know) the likes of the IFP seems to be making inroads in SF strong holds.

I very much doubt that.

You’d hope so.