Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Very hard to tell.

Some totally unexpected wins last time, which may not be repeated.

But then you could have those urban types like Cullinane in Waterford & Quinlivan in Limerick bringing in running mates.

I’ve basically just repeated what you said so ignore this & move on.

Big Martin Browne should be allocated 2 seats


Back of a fag packet calculation is 60.

But because of the increase of seats from 160 to 174, 60 is the new 55.

They will struggle to win one in Dún Laoghaire unless they can attract in the anti immigrant vote.

Boyd Barrett still has such a strong personal vote that I can’t see him losing to them even if he does shed some working class votes because of immigration.

If they damage him, it is more likely to benefit FF or FG. Both will be targeting a second seat and should be transfer friendly between the them this time.

Next local elections will tell a lot. Look out for the likes of Dublin South East Inner City.

Local election results in ireland often differ greatly from general elections.

Yeah but if the far right get some foothold in some more urban constituencies then it might impact at a general.

As it happens, if you look at the likes of Dublin South East last time, there wasn’t a candidate from the far right.

If they can get themselves organised and run strategically, they can definitely do some damage.

The saving grace for SF is that the far right are a poorly organised rabble. The Irish Freedom Party appear to look down at the National Party for being Nazis. The National Party itself has their own drama.

jaysus, these guys look down on people for being Nazis?

It’s worth looking at some of the comments under Mary Lou’s recent Twitter posts or the quote tweets - quite a lot of negative or critical comments which I suspect is a bit of a change. The notion of SF really going whichever way the wind blows on issues and flip-flopping around is beginning to stick I think. On top of that as has been pointed out you’ve the issue of some of their voter base pushing back on their (to date largely admirable) immigration position.

Poll at the weekend had them down 3 points largely driven by a drop-off in support from younger voters. First time back into the twenties in poll numbers in a while I think. They’re still in a very strong position but the tide might be turning a little.

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These new right leaning parties have taken it upon themselves to attack SF at every opportunity. Particularly in social media. Essentially SF are being out- botted online.

I expect that during the next election campaign prominent Sinn Fein candidates, especially Mary Lou McDonald herself, will be the target of vicious abuse on the street from the far right. Mary Lou will play this up hugely (not that she would be wrong to do so). This will create a sympathy vote.

But the Irish Freedom Party are a joke. They’re a Nigel Farage astro-turf operation. The National Party are an even bigger joke.

Renua are a busted flush and a joke.

Aontu could gain some traction but don’t seem organised enough.

Independent candidates seem the only hope for them. Somebody like that Philip Dwyer cunt could get a half-decent vote if he decided to stand as he has built up a bit of a profile.

Profile, celebrity in other words, is everything for far right candidates. That’s where Conor McGregor comes in. Conor McGregor is highly unlikely to stand for the Dail - he would never bother himself with something so unglamourous as the real work of a TD - but he might well be attracted to the campaign trail and the immense attention he would gather from that, pounding the streets with adoring followers in tow, a media circus. He could endorse far right candidates without standing himself, touch these candidates with his celebrity, and gain a significant amount of votes for these candidates that way.

she would want to get some of their councilors to stop the anti immigrant populism before she can play that

McDonald defends letter by Sinn Féin TD warning of risk of ‘conflict’ between refugees and locals (

Wexford Sinn Féin councillor blasts immigration policy – ‘nobody will call it out for fear of being labelled racist’ |

Sinn Féin councillor calls his Roscommon constituency a ‘dumping ground for refugees’ |

this dude is a one man Gript
Aidan Mullins (@AidanMullins7) / X (


He’s too badly dressed to be taken seriously.

Ffs sake. That’s an outrageously awful coat. The white collar and trim is abhorrent.


I think SF moving more to the right on migration would make sense for them.

They’re in a tricky spot if the far right mobilises in urban areas.

They can take votes off PbP who won’t pivot on this.

In more rural constituencies where Indos have already exploited migrant fear they can take votes from them.

What they lose is that the rest of the left turns on them but it’s a calculated gamble.

I think they are still pretty fractured and spread out electorally. I know a few hundered votes might get you elected in some locals but still, i doubt theyd have enough support anywhere in particular to get more than 2/3 councillors elected tops.

They’re fractured yes but attitudes aren’t. There’s high single figures out there for an organised grouping that goes that way.

Aah… like a working class Eddie Hobbs/renua deal.

Leo has already come out and said we need to slow down the intake… Gives Mary Lou plenty of cover.