Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

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I’ll leave that to the tin foil hat brigade

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What a moron.


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Switzerland a responsible grown up country has banned its roll out. Paddy has too many eejits to ask serious questions.

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They certainly handled all that Nazi Gold very responsibly


In doing that they are on their Tobelrone.

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Absolutely- Mick would have squandered it needlessly.

Could hardly be worse than Regina Doherty.

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Did joe post here? He sounds like an awful dickhead

What’s the issue lads?

Oh Lee

Christ on a bike . What did SF expect from the Sindo

Anyway now that is out of the way and ice has been broken I expect Mary Lou to be singing the Galtee Mountain Boy at Barry Egan’s Christmas Party

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You’ve missed an ‘Oh-Lee-Fuck’ pun here.

As per his twitter profile - Lee is a “dedicated artist to the Republican cause” which presumably is the title for someone who colours in newspapers.


I think it’s an excellent way of highlighting the extent of HOC’s focus during the interview. People are mad for graphic representation.
I read the article in my folks place today* and was struck by how much of it was about the shadowy figure bollox. I think there may have been a stipulation that the indo print the interview without editing answers. It’s in Paul Kimmage form but he has added chunks of ‘background’ to throw in a bit of bias. Hugh comes across as a gimp in it.

Blue Hugh … Shur, what was Mary Lou expecting ?

You still have to keep engaging. Fair play to her. I think she comes across quite well.

I havent read it … Is it available anywhere…