Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Why is that?

These people that commit white collar crime are the ones who defraud citizens and taxpayers. Much more people had their lives wrecked and destroyed by the financial crisis that leading FF politicians were complicit in than the Northern Bank Robbery and they committed crime from a position of trust and power.

White collar crime should be met with the most punitive sanctions, particularly from those who abuse positions of public office.

Haughey got a kick back for turning a blind eye to Dermot Desmond and JP McManus essentially robbing a few million of public money back in the 90s.

That is right up there with the Northern Bank Robbery for me.

It’s abhorrent. I’d like to think that is well in the past by now

And Sinn Fein…?!!

You’d like to think? Why does you naivety play up to FF?

SF have never been in political power when child abuse was rampant among state institutions.

Do you think it’s still going on at the same level? You still support the catholic church despite their role in that

I’m a Catholic.

I think the church handled things appallingly in this country as did the state.

Everyone in the state of a certain age is complicit in the cover ups

We all knew what was going on and everyone turned a blind eye

The perpetrators should have been burned in their houses when it was apparent the state wasnt going to bring them to justice

No, but their leader of forty years until recently placed a known paedophile in close contact with kids on numerous occasions.

How did he place him there?

There are authorities who are responsible for keeping sex offenders, abusers and rapists off the street neglecting their duties to do, they are under the command of the state.

They have to be aware of the existence of one before they can prevent anything.

And you’re saying they weren’t?



This is true. But the people most responsible for putting a stop to it were the government’s of the day and they did fuck all.

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It’s mad how all the staters expected SF to act outside the law and order bodies on this island when they did nothing on criminal matters but then flipped their nut at hearing of kangaroo courts.

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It would be a hard call for them. The thousands of people that lined the funeral route yesterday shows the respect Storey’s community had for him. These are the people that lived through it. The elected reps from other parties and/or the usual squad of political commentators that appear in the Irish media rounding up to have a go at SF for being central in such funerals were removed from what what the nationalist community in the north had to deal with. They usually don’t want to see any nuance in it.

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There’s nothing quite as galling as having a stater lecture you on the troubles when they haven’t the slightest clue of what it was like for nationalist to live through those times.

An italian nationalist at that.