Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Is my recollection correct in that when Aine Adams went to the RUC first they showed no interest in investigating Liam Adams and instead tried to see if they could get an informant angle going?

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Washing diesel is a filthy business. The leftovers are highly toxic and get dumped all over. It fucks the environment and can fuck up the cars of everyone who ends up with the diesel. The councils are left with massive bills to clean it up. It’s fucking everyone else over for a few quid for yourself. It’s no honourable crime.


The first bit is correct anyway. Gerry then found out for a fact in 2000 and did nothing about it for 9 years while his brother was still going around to youth clubs

Precisely but apparently the people with the authority who neglected to enforce the powers they have to take paedophiles off the street are not the ones to blame for some bizarre reason.

What is he to do if the authorities have no interest investigating it.

If he had his brother kneecapped you’d be livid too.

Is March 2020 well in the past? Because that’s when the last FG government tried to seal the testimonies of thousands of child abuse victims for 75 years. The cunts are still covering it up.


Yep, I get all that. But they can make the choice to distance themselves from that time or they can turn out and go out lads like yer man and leave themselves open to accusations of association with shadowy figures and they haven’t gone away you know and all the rest of it. Want to be the largest party in government? That’s a big prize, worth it I’d say.

So child abuse is still happening at the same scale today?

Fixed that for you

FF have also helped coverup the murders of Mary Boyle, Fr Niall Molloy and obstructed justice for the victims of the Stardust fire because the perpetrators all had close links to the party.

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I specifically said the cover up of child abuse.

Was IRA/SF recognising the State of Eire in 1986 and surrendering their guns and signing up to administer British rule in Northern Ireland in 1998 not a compromising of their republican principles?

How would he know if they had no interest in investigating it? He didn’t go to them, and then when he finally did go to them, they investigated it and he was locked up

Because the allegations were reported and no action was taken. It’s pretty matter of fact so I don’t know why you’re asking.

Didn’t realize all that. I don’t think you can compare the crimes really. Bribery could lead to even worse consequences. When it’s people in government it’s sick though, they have a higher level responsibility and duty. Taking a bribe in office is shitting all over everyone.

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They were reported in the late 80s in a pre Good Friday Agreement world. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been investigated in 2000. Why did he bother going at all in 2009 by that logic?

SF only started to support the PSNI in 2007.

That’s the thing with the existence of the kangaroo courts too. As the RUC colluded with loyalist paramilitaries, armed them on occasion in the murder of nationalists, abused their powers, refused to investigate certain allegations of crime, instead tried to turn people into informers when they sought assistance etc etc, they had practically no support in the nationalist community. All that stuff is on the record. That’s why the PSNI now exists.

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So were crimes within the party or of those close to members of the party just tolerated until then like Liam Adams was tolerated and free to go around to youth clubs?

I’m not comparing it to bribery. Just making sure people know it’s a fucking filthy business.
Bribery of public officials is up there.
So is insurance fraud @Mac
I’m no SF fan but of all the crimes there are, then bank robbery is probably one of the best truth be told. * I’d say Bobby’s story would make a good film.

As long as nobody gets hurt.

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