Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

They were tolerated by the state authorities in the O6 anyway.

Are you supporting Kangaroo courts now?

Killing him would have been better than letting him go around to youth clubs with no repercussions anyway. I wonder if a randomer raped Gerry Adams’ niece would he have been allowed to walk around with no consequences

I was thinking that reading the article earlier.

So you are for kangaroo courts so?

Preferable to letting paedos do what they want and interact with children.

Do you think it’s ok to let paedophiles roam free?

Yes or no.

I don’t but take that up with the RUC.

It’s vile

As someone close to the business, I refute all these allegations.


It’s not a yes or no question. I don’t agree with kangaroo courts but they are preferable to letting paedos walk free like Gerry did

It actually is.

Are you for Kangaroo Courts. Yes or no?

Do you think it’s ok to not do anything when someone tells you they’ve abused a child, yes or no?

You’re about as close to it as you are to having sex with someone else.


Absolutely not which is why I find it bizarre how you are not focusing on the RUC here.

They were the authoritative body with the powers to bring justice and they decided to ignore the allegations made to them. Why aren’t you looking at them?

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Grand. Gerry was completely wrong so you’re finally admitting

Nope. Gerry Adams has no powers to do anything in that regard.

What is odd is that you’re defending the RUC who have the authority to do something, were aware of the allegations and did nothing yet blaming Gerry Adams who has no authority to do anything.

More hypocrisy and double standards from the FF man.

Huh? You just said that it’s not ok to do nothing when someone tells you that they have abused a child. That’s exactly what Gerry did

What are you huhing about? The RUC are the ones who could have done something about it and you are defending them doing nothing about it, despite the RUC having full knowledge of the allegations.

What would you have done? Kangaroo court?

So you do think it’s ok to say nothing when someone tells you they’ve abused a child like Gerry did?