Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I don’t see what difference it made. The authorities were fully aware of the allegations and did nothing.

The only alternative is a Kangaroo Court? Are you in favour of Kangaroo Courts?

So it is ok to not do anything when someone tells you they’ve abused a child in your opinion?

There’s also a bit of a difference between allegations and proof mate.

You’re like a broken record.

I can’t for the life of me fathom out why you won’t look at the RUC here. They are the body tasked with dealing with these allegations, were fully aware of these allegations and did nothing about these allegations.

So the only alternative for you is Kangaroo Courts but you won’t clarify whether you are for Kangaroo Courts or against them?

Make your mind up.

Yeah and the RUC were not interested.

Aine had allegations in the late 80s. Gerry had proof in 2000.

I’ll stop asking you what should be a very easy question to answer now as you clearly think it’s ok to keep proof of child abuse to yourself


What difference does it make if the RUC were not interested in it?

Are you for or against Kangaroo Courts?

They had no interest in allegations, they may have had interest in proof. Its simple really

No interest in allegations!!!


Are you listening to yourself here?

You said it mate. You’re using a late 80s allegation as proof that they had no interest in actual proof in a post Good Friday Agreement world

They didn’t.

A victim going to the police and telling them they were abused is an allegation.

A third party going to the police and telling them that an abuser confessed to them about abusing a victim is also an allegation, it is not proof.

You seem to be defending the RUC from not investigating allegations of child abuse. It is up to the authorities to investigate, they refused to, not much anyone else can do about that.

You think it’s ok to not do anything when somebody tells you they’ve abused a child

Absolutely not.

The RUC are the only ones with authority to do anything and they ignored the allegations but for some utterly bizarre and incomprehensible reasoning you are defending them from not investigating allegations of child abuse.

What you are saying is absolutely incredible, have you read it back.

Police force ignores allegations of child abuse.

So what Gerry did is wrong then? Because that’s what he did

Gerry Adams has no authority to investigate and charge paedophiles. You are as thick as a ditch if you can’t see that the RUC were the ONLY ones who could have investigated this, they were aware of the allegations but ignored them.

Unless you are advocating Kangaroo courts?

But Gerry did nothing when someone told him they abused a child. You’ve already admitted that is wrong, therefore Gerry was wrong in your opinion

But Gerry.

Gerry Adams has no authority to investigate child abusers, the RUC had, were fully aware of the allegations and did not pursue them.

It takes a special sort of simpleton to point the blame away from the police here unless of course you are advocating Kangaroo Courts?

Gerry should have kneecapped his brother, obvious solution.

I think a Kangaroo Court would have been the best option, agreed.

Actually, on a serious note, I gained a huge amount of respect for Enda Kenny for the way he handled all this. You’ll remember that the Indo cabal were pushing for it to be a major issue but I thought Kenny was very decent and very dignified. He just said it was a family situation and he didn’t want to go into it. Meanwhile that dirty weasel Meehole went along with the Indo agenda and was strongly praised by Eoghan Harris and the like but rejected by the electorate.

If Enda ever runs for President I will definitely give him a vote for how he handled it, at least a number 2 but possibly a number 1.

It’s a victimless crime