Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

He deserves to be heavily criticised for it. It was deplorable behaviour

Why am I being tagged here?

Because I was speaking about dodgy insurance claims.

I wonder is there a subtext here

Why do people say this when it is just plainly untrue? There were high profile trials.

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Gerry Adams could have gone to the police with his brothers confession and given credibility to the allegations. Instead he was advising his niece to be quiet.

Jarry had a long history of touting, and continued with the hygiene standards of that family home. Not his brothers rapes though, he wanted that kept quiet.

@Tank is being disingenuous there but you have to ask why not? I don’t agree with it but your previous excuse on non compliance with the police authorities was that the IRA offered to deal with it. Why not here?

Indeed Jarry even stood back and watched as his brother went to live with another partner and a young child.

Snollygosters. The lot of them.

Would make a bit of sense

I don’t get it?

The political leaders of Sinn FĂ©in must simply be a bit thick. As I was saying yesterday, turning up at that funeral justifies articles like this. They tell us they’ve broken with the past but then won’t actually do it. After an unprecedented election success they’re in a prime position to be the biggest party in the country and the leaders of the next government if they can maintain the image that they’re a proper political party now. Instead, this shite. As someone who’d be happy to vote for sinn fein and would be happy to see many of the policies they propose actually implemented in government I’m genuinely pissed off at this pure thick carry on.

While you are correct, I dont remember you flying into a rage about the funeral of the recently murdered garda.


I think his post is about who the funeral is for rather than the lack of social distancing

Have you missed the point? (Hint, yes.)

Even if it was about social distancing the article above says Leo and Michael d didn’t go to guards funeral. That was a silly thing to do by sf Southern leadership politically. Don’t give people easy tap ins. Wouldn’t have a huge issue with going to the funeral in normal times. There couldn’t be many of these big cheese RA men left and attending their funerals is just something that needs to be done to keep the wider movement united.

Ok, I jumped in there without reading the post 
 I had seen a whole barrage of outrage on twitter today about SF turning up to the funeral on covid grounds and not social distancing etc 
 i logged on here then and thought it was more of the same 
 you have my full unreserved apology.

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Bobby Storey was a huge figure in Republican circles. He should mean much more to SF than what some 20 something liberal thinks.

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Photos like this are sometimes published to give the public a clue about something that may not be in the public domain.


Bobby was riding Michelle?