Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

The Unionist didn’t like the UUP doing business with “SF/IRA”. The DUP tapped into that discontent and then did the same.

Is that it?

Got the Brits attention, huge economic damage in the Manchester and Canary Wharf bombings with very little in the way of civilian loss for operations of these types.

Is that it?

SDLP party leader calls for internment to be introduced and you’re asking if that’s it?

Indeed. It’s a wonder why the IRA didn’t go for the bankers…

Banks were bailed out because there was no Plan B . Morality had nothing to do with it tbh

A senior government official believed he wanted it in the days after an IRA bombing, and this was before he became party leader. To say that the SDLP backed internment based on that is incredibly weak

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About as weak as saying Bobby Storrey was complicit in the bank robbery because his family hadn’t sued newspapers?

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You clearly don’t know much about the content of the Canary Wharf bomb.

The party leader recorded as wanting it reintroduced at government meetings at official notes.

In a briefing note on the meeting, the civil servant warned colleagues that Mr Hume’s controversial stance had not been thought through.

"Hume expressed particular revulsion for the IRA whose recent atrocities were directly responsible for the extreme attitudes now being revealed by public opinion in Britain and amongst unionists," Mr Neligan wrote.

"His (Mr Hume’s) thoughts were evidently running towards the idea of internment as a solution to the IRA violence.

"The authorities could publish names of suspected members of illegal organisations and require them to announce publicly that they had severed all connections with those bodies or, alternatively, be interned.

Is it not common knowledge that he was? Like he wasn’t involved the same way Gerry wasn’t in the RA??

What did you think of Warrington?

He wasn’t party leader at the time. Did you read the article?

Why wasn’t he convicted if it was common knowledge?

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Why does Daniel Kinahan have no criminal record?

I think ye are both coming to a similar view that be they bank robbers with a balaclava or bank robbers with a pen it isn’t easy to convict and “jail them”

you tell me? You seem to possess all this “general knowledge” of criminal activity and who’s committing what crimes and when

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Amazing how you don’t hold the same cynicism to FF.

It’s almost like you’re a complete hypocrite.

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But @the_man_himself is soft of white collar crime despite the fact it generally has more victims and is generally committed by people in power and trust.

Did you read the article you posted and realise you were wrong yet?