Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I’m not wrong.

Good luck trying to work your contradictions out.

do you only suspend “common knowledge” to positions that suit your argument, not the direct words from the horses mouth of the future leader of the SDLP on the subject at hand?

You were wrong, did you realise John Hume wasn’t party leader at the time yet?

Even if he was party leader, it would be unfair to say that the SDLP supported internment. That would be like saying that SF supported child molestation when it was just Gerry Adams that did when he was leader

There’s nothing directly from John Hume’s mouth in that article mate

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I was not wrong. John Hume was the party leader.

He wasn’t. Do you have trouble reading?

Official government notes saying he did.

Unless of course you are accusing a government official of fabricating allegations on official government records?

He was.

John Hume was the SDLP leader, absolute fact.

He wasn’t at the time of that correspondence which is what we’re talking about. Absolute fact

I never said they were fabricated, just that there is nothing from John Hume’s mouth in the article

You must have inferred, incorrectly.

He was deputy leader, I think Fitt had more or less relinquished his role as leader in '79.

So the SDLP weren’t in favour of internment then, thanks

So there is evidence.

Unless you’re accusing the government official of lying and potentially committing a crime?

I never said anyone was lying?

Their party leader and most famous figure was.

We’ve seen a lot on tfk the last while but @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy believing the Irish independent to be a credible source is another big jump indeed!


As we’ve established, he wasn’t their party leader at the time. I accept your admission of defeat


This is from a government official.

I wouldn’t be putting too much meas in anything a civil servant would write down mate.

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