Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

That’s an inference you made, Hume was the SDLP’s party leader and most famous figure. He wanted internment introduced.

So as we’ve established you were lying above when you said the SDLP backed internment

Absolutely not.

Read the article.

I read it, you were the one who seemed to have issues with it. Their vice-leader perhaps said he wanted it introduced at an emotional time in the aftermath of an IRA bombing,he became leader a few months later and it was never mentioned again.

Clearly the SDLP did not back internment as you said above

I’m the one sticking to my guns here now, you’re the one who had to backtrack on saying there was no evidence. There are official government records of quotes attributable to Hume, which I’m glad to see you finally acknowledge after trying to deny.

Huh? I never denied anything. I said you lied and you did lie. The SDLP did not back internment, you said they did

So your saying the government official made it up?

Eh no, John Hume is not quoted in the article mate, therefore it isn’t from his mouth.

Are you accepting you lied about the SDLP backing internment?

There are official government records with quotes attributed to him. So either you’re saying the government official is a liar or your point makes no sense.

Then again I wouldn’t expect the truth or consistency from a FF voter.

Absolutely not, read the article.

Government officials are often mistaken. Unless you’re saying everything a government official says is automatically true?

Speaking as a Monaghan SFer, this is slightly harsh. There’s bitterness in Monaghan to FFG for a lot of things but this isn’t one.

That’s surely bollocks, mate?

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Some breed,the average Shinner.Thank fuck the blueshirts and FF got into bed for the sake of Ireland.

Shockingly stupid.

Sinn Fein were making huge gains, stuff like that will do them no favours.

Fuck tipp

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Won’t cost them one vote . Until they go in to government they will keep growing

I dunno mate, that would put a lot of people off.

Saying that, the current government is absolutely terrible and hopefully won’t see the year out

That’s the problem-A lot of their ideals and people are fantastic but they have a sizeable support base that are lowlifes,thugs and have borderline sub human intelligence.
Thats the reality and always will be.

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