Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism


Being a Tipp cunt, you’re probably related to the boyos runt are you?

You’d get a lot of rural Sinn fein lads who were never involved in anything who’d be completely enthralled with the idea of posing with a gun. They wouldnt be able to wait to get home to tell all the lads down the pub of the hard men they met in Balfast.

Ah lads - is it true that they wheeled everyone down to the cemetery for the “graveside oration” (they’re mad for the graveside orations) except there was no graveside because he was getting cremated and all the crowds for the “graveside oration”, causing all the Covid brouhaha, were there unnecessarily and then to top it off a couple of simpleton Shinners from the south (highly likely to run as candidates in the next GE based upon their previous selections) posed with AK47s and then put it up on Facebook.

A shower of gas fuckers :joy::joy::joy:


They’re going to have to do some explaining when the cops come knocking,the stupid cunts😂

As I’ve said before, I’m sure it’s not the same in other places but in Tipperary the average hardcore Shinner is someone you would not want calling to your door or anywhere near your house or to corner you in a pub


I presume the police will want to talk to those three about that weapon?

It’s an homage by Tipp lads to the Tipp TD Alan Kelly 47

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The amount of lads who were ABSOLUTELY NEVER in the IRA who still ABSOLUTELY NEVER miss an IRA funeral is amazing

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It’s like the Liverpool fans whove absolutely never been to anfield but absolutely never miss a game on telly

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A fair few of them currently working in the IFSC

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You can certainly say that about FFG as well.

I voted for Sinn Fein for the last 20 years but when they endorsed same sex marriage thus legitimising gay couples adopting children that was the finish of them with me. There is no turning back after that.

Really? I’m honestly wondering why it would bother you. I’m not mad for adoption in general and don’t think it should be allowed except in extreme cases anymore. But if kids have to be adopted, then I don’t honestly see why gay people cant raise them as well as anyone else.

I don’t think there are many if any kids being put up for adoption these days

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Families today are of many makings, intricacies, facets of good and bad, legitimate, illegitimate, incestous, formal, loveless and so on. What we have we have. Families are imperfect but we know what we know. The mishaps, misfortunes, unasked for and bad apples of the past and of today can be accounted for, accounted for to the sum of the knowledge we have accumulated to date as best as we can. That is the fibre of the family.

Same sex marriage interferes with fibre of the family, the consequences of that are unknown.

That is not a homophobic point of view. It is a deeper view of caring about the family and society as a whole.

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What are you shitting about at all? ‘the family’ as you call it has been ever evolving through human history… Cannon law is relatively new. Why shouldn’t it keep evolving to reflect the world we live in?

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Good Lad :+1:

I accept your admission of defeat.

Empty vessels…