Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I think the analogys arent really needed any more though.

Someone had info on a murder of a garda. They were a member of sinn fein and went to the party as he was unsure where he stood about making an official statement without permission. The fact it was sent to a higher authority meant there was confusion in their own party about it.

Point being, it shouldnt have been a political issue. If you have info on a murder, you should be able to give the information without needing to know if you need permission or not. I get it’s not really Sinn feins fault this fella didnt just give the info, and as mouse has outlined, things are not black and white in that area, but still, it doesnt help them to see this sort of shite still lingers around them.

A coverup suggests destruction or suppression of evidence.

They were able to get the murderer extradited from the US. Not even the Gardai could manage that.

Excellent stuff. I didnt hear about that, but great to see it.

No, it doesn’t necessarily mean there was party wide confusion. The fact is the individual sought assurances that actually weren’t required and he was encouraged to speak freely if he wanted to.

obviously the witness and the councillor missed gerry adams statement about the murder back in 2013

"Sinn FĂ©in president Gerry Adams said he was “shocked” by the shooting in a brief statement issued last night.

“I extend my deepest sympathies to his family and colleagues and appeal to those with information about this crime to co-operate with the gardaí,” he added."

If only Gerry was so quick about giving information to the police in the past

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gerry surely has questions to answer there, as do several in ireland given the wholesale rape and abuse of children in care over a 60 year period


I suppose he was probably checking was this Gerry saying something for public consumption but not really meaning it:

like in the Robert McCartney murder in a Republican pub where Gerry appealed for those with information to come forward and despite 70 witnesses present none came forward.

or like in the Paul Quinn murder in South Armagh, a republican stronghold, where Gerry Adams appealed for those with information to come forward but none did, including his own MLA Conor Murphy who clearly had significant information.

I suppose it’s hard if you’re a good SF member to catch the nuance of whether he means it or not - in particular when he normally doesn’t mean it.


Establishment shills showing their rather warped views to all and sundry here. Happy for the state go notch up murders and abuse of young girls but raging at a political party helping to bring a killer to justice.


You won’t hear the likes of @the_man_himself or @Tim_Riggins questioning the lack of justice for the Stardust victims or Dublin/Monaghan bombings though. They are the things the establishment shills like to leave untouched.

To use the PWC/carvery analogy one more time, if you were working in a company where you weren’t thought a total oddball and inadequate loon, and earmarked for the next round of “restructuring” for asking the boss if you could have a chicken dinner, it would be a very strange, archaic, inward looking , paranoid and cultish place to spend time, even if renumerated. I’d advise you to look for employment somewhere a bit less like the bar in star wars


SF are the establishment.

They are the main opposition in the DĂĄil and have been in charge of lots of local councils up and down Ireland.

They have been in Government now in the British part of Ireland for many years.

They are the establishment.

Nope. FFG are the establishment, they have corrupted every sector of the free state society for their own gains, created an elite class of landlords and billionaires who profit at the expense of ordinary, hardworking people.

Not anymore Fulvio, SF sold out the Republic like everyone else.

Yes, but I’m not sure if there are any Gregg’s outlets in the 26 counties.

SF want an independent 32 county republic, that’s their mandate. The rest of the establishment 26 parties are anti-reunification and pro-corruption and the uses the auspices of state outlets, big corporations and media outlets to deliver that.

All major parties are committed to a 32 county Republic. SF are the only political party that administers British rule in NI. SF sold out to become the Establishment, enamored by the perks and pay of high office.


Typical SF whataboutery

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Incorrect. All the other free state parties are partitionist, do not actively participate in northern politics, have a long history of showing abandonment, disdain and disregard for the oppressed nationalist community which is why FG and FG are utterly despised in nationalist areas of the north.

Reality hurts, SF administer British rule in NI. SF IRA lost the war and the volunteers got tired. They took the easy pensionable jobs.