Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Does Jarry draw a Royal pension.

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You’re deflecting now.

After the first day’s bombardment proved ineffective, the British gave the Free State two more 18-pounder cannon and proffered 60-pounder howitzers along with an offer to bomb the Four Courts from the air. Collins turned down the latter two offers because of the risk of causing heavy civilian casualties.[15]

So the Blueshirts took British Arms to turn them on their fellow Irish men and destroy their own buildings.

Joe McKelvey RIP, a true patriot.

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That was Michael Collins- he has no connection whatsoever with FG despite what the modern version of that party think.

Or a guy going to a GAA match, totally innocent


Why not leave it to those that are willing

What’s this now

Those cunts up there have caused nothing but heartache to us peace loving souls in the real Ireland.
They won’t answer a question directly.
That have to run things be their local Shinner HQ before saying anything
They are after fuckn up a heap of engines with their shite diesel.
Horrible accent.Tommy Tiernan once said the Cork accent is like a knacker talking French-Id go further-The Nordie one is comparable to the sound a Tomcat would undoubtedly make during an unmediated castration ,with vinegar getting poured into his eyes simultaneously.
They also have a chip on their shoulder against all us “Free Staters” that won’t be going anywhere in a hurry.
I could go on but it’s a Tuesday and I’m tired.


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Dear dear dear

Save it for Wednesday,week nearly done and all that palava

Lines of a song-Take it down from the mast

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I agree some do, but most do not

A bit more detail here. Contrary to what @artfoley, @Bandage and @Thomas_Brady would have you believe - this wasn’t just some simpleton SF member incorrectly asking permission. Ultimately Gerry Adams had to go away and check it out (ask permission?) before he “allowed” the SF member to give a statement to Gardai about a murder.

That’s not normal behaviour lads no matter how you dress up the whataboutery


Have you ever commented on the Grace case.

There’s no additional detail in that.

Pity the Irish times has never done anything approaching investigative journalism on the corruption endemic in FFGLAB

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Gerry not able to give permission on the spot. Utterly bizarre


Phrasing it as “Whatabout the corruption in FFGLAB 
” would have made your point more transparent