Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

So he’s not in the army council so? I wish you’d make up your mind

Odd that you have no outrage on a vulnerable girl being abused by her foster parent for over 20 years.

“-would need to consult the party before making a formal statement”

Holy divine mother of Jayus.
And this over the murder of a Garda going about his job protecting ordinary volunteers of a credit union,who got his face blasted off in the course of his duties,for the sum of 7k??

Some filth they are.Shame on any cunt that ticks a box next to one of their candidates names the next time they’re in a ballot.


You should join the DUP.

You and your breed should fuck off and set up a colony on Rockall along with the knackers and leave the decent people of Ireland to get on with life.

My breed.

The decent people of Ireland who cover up British murders of Irish citizens is it. You’re scum and you know you are.

Yeah your breed and well u know it.

I don’t know, the fact its called a council would suggest some level of co-operative decision making, maybe he spent the couple of weeks getting it on the agenda and formally signed off.

Why do you think he took a couple of weeks to revert with an answer?

Fulvio playbook when confronted with an uncomfortable question.

  1. Dig up some unrelated issue from the past and ask a question about it
  2. Repeat this question over and over again until utter boredom ensues

Jog on there …

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I know my breed and I’ve more dignity, pride and courage in my little finger than a snide little coward like you could ever comprehend.

He’s an Irish politician. Incapable of making a decision goes with the territory.

Jog on?

Is that what you think of a vulnerable girl left to be abused by a paedophile foster parent.

FGers are so humane…

My point stands

Ha! there is that. It’s unclear to me though what possible reasonable basis he could have to give pause.

How long is this Grace inquiry rattling on now?

The establishment are keeping very quiet on that one.

Your point is probably for another thread so because it’s utterly irrelevant to the matter under discussion.


It’s odd how you won’t call out FG on their shame.

The Brits don’t want ye and anyone with any sense of decency down south think similar.
And there’s damm good reasons for that.
Go independent and sort out your own shit
Ye hate the Brits and think we left ye on your own.
So fuckn what.Grow a pair,fuck off and paddle your own canoe👍

That post just shows what an uneducated baboon your average freestater is


It’s not. We’ve all seen how FFGLAB have snitches