Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Tell you what-Id gladly take that insult if it meant the Irish taxpayer wouldn’t have to take on a 18/19,per annum,billion euro millstone around our necks to facilitate the likes of you and a few pudgy faced,bowler hat wearing cunts on board.
Good luck with that​:joy::joy:

Don’t you have a sovereign debt of about €200bn because you were governed by gangsters and sleekit weasels who put the mistakes of bankers and politicians on the tax payer?

As I said, your average freestater is a bit of a dimwit.

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Not that much of a dimwit that we would take on ye shower of loopers and fuck us all together.Probably end up paying 67% tax on our wages every week to facilitate reconciliation committees,victims and so forth.Fuck off.
If ye aren’t bombing kids over on your mainland,attacking lads in barns with iron bars or robbing Credit unions,then ye are moaning about something.
We have enough of our own problems without importing yeres.
As I’ve said,grow a pair and paddle your own canoe-no one cares.:+1:

Hurry up ta fuck I’m goin to bed

A full on dimwit given that you’ve managed to vote in a government responsible for foisiting a €200bn national debt on its citizens for their own mistakes, created a homeless crisis and a health service not fit for purpose, pillaged every national resource to private investors for a song and forfeits billion euro tax bills to large MNCs.

The reason you fail to recognise how much of a dimwit you are is for that specific reason, you are an incredible idiot.

Let us not forget how the free state government covered up the biggest terrorist attack in its state because it orchestrated by the British state. Let us not forget how it neglect justice for the Stardust victims, Mary Boyle, Grace, Fr Niall Molloy etc etc but are willing to play political football with the likes of Mairia Cahill and Paul Quinn - how they have consistently tried to stifle the McAnespie family’s attempt to gain justice for their son and brother as he was shot at a checkpoint as he was heading to a GAA match.

There are two rotten states on this island, at least the O6 was a gerrymandered state which was created on sectarian ground, what’s happened in the free state is probably worse, the toxicity and the greed has led to their demise.

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What goes on in Ireland is our business-Not yours.

Take it down from the mast Irish Traitor
It’s the flag we Republicans claim
It will never belong to Free Staters
For you’ve brought on it nothing but shame

Tim Parry

Majella O’Hare

Jonathan Ball as well.What age was he,3 years old,yeah?

17 month old Jacqueline O’Brien and 5 month old Anne-Marie O’Brien.

Going around in circles.and not nice ones.
Keep your shit up there

I’m just pointing out your contradictions.

The free state government and no problems at all covering up British murders of children on this island or turning a blind eye to them but are then happy to use other victims of the troubles as political footballs.


It would be like if @Bandage was about to get a Turkey and ham carvery at lunch time and then felt obliged to ask his boss if that was ok who then put him on to one of the board of directors who got back to him two weeks later telling him it was ok


Exactly. My point all day being both would be ridiculous asks that don’t require permission to begin with. But maybe my boss might forward my theoretical query on out of courtesy if he felt I was genuinely troubled and seeking guidance on it.

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What mind would ask that question?

Fuck Sinn Fein. I had so much hope for them. Now they’re gone.

They haven’t gone away

Another row back from SF IRA this morning.