Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

A person “worried about nationalism” is a repugnant free state quisling.

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SF are living in your head bro


Those 2 are policy disagreements . I don’t think they are grandstanding and they are certainly not online stunts. You are not comparing like with like. Fine Gael’s video was Trumpesque and will further escalate a race to the bottom.

If FG’s video is going to backfire so much on them, why are you not encouraging them to keep doing what they are doing?

I’m also curious if SF never do this as you assert, how FG can be in a “race” and how can they “escalate” this race ?

I never said the video was going to backfire on FG. I merely pointed out that it was Trump type mud slinging. FG are in a race to the bottom with FF and they’ve nearly reached it.

Still waiting on some examples of SF’s ‘online stunts’.

Check the dark web

Their mayoral candidate had a podcast saying Varadkar wasnt Irish enough. And couldn’t be a leader cos he has no kids.
Yer man in wexford anonymously attacking lads from other parties from different accounts using the name PONeill as a signature!
The Anti Vaccer! That’s as internet stunty as it comes.

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They are individual indiscretions though.

The internet grandstanding is mainly outsourced to the army of anonymous bots.


Poor behaviour in all cases. But these were solo runs . Comparing it with the above FG produced parry political broadcast is not comparing like with like.

FG are directed by a PR company - everything Leo does is PR - not a bit of substance to him. It’s been evident for years and it’s only more recently that the party as a whole have become a PR machine.

SF have had individual faux pas’ but I dont think the party is being directed by a PR team to stage and wage social media war.

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Neither of those are the same thing at all, as you well know.

That’s fairly simplistic. I don’t think Leo has no substance to him. I just think the substance is highly privileged and right wing. And that he concentrates on looking after business, richer folk and himself. And with a crazed paranoia about the lower classes cheating him.

Sf prioritise and indeed take pride in creating and disseminating their internet content. And they do have an ‘army’ of supporters very happy to share it over their own social media. It is a valid and highly effective marketing strategy. To say it doesn’t happen is bollox.

Spot on. They’ve moved away from punishment beatings to punishment tweetings and its driving the cosy cartel in FFG and media demented.

I hear that SF are to blame for the scenes at Spanish Arch in Galway last night. :slight_smile:

This guy’s current role is “Developing and implementing online press and publicity campaigns for Sinn Féin”

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Everyone has a press officer bro and always have had.

I think the FG video attacks SF in a simple way - alleging that they are hypocritical. In truth it’s a bit more complicated than that.

The SF posts attack FG in a simple way - making the point that they prioritise insiders/are corrupt. In truth it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Both are grandstanding and oversimplification in my view. As I said previously, I’d say both parties are happy enough with it as it turns the whole thing into a Punch and Judy show - which is probably what social media is best suited for to be honest.

There’s also a fairly strong trend of SF politicians and activists going way over the top on social media. If it isn’t centrally organised then the most charitable thing that can be said is that it hasn’t really been restrained effectively.

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You seemed to be suggesting that SF didn’t.

No. I didnt.