Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

It’s like hating a girl and then getting worked up over who she dates. It’s bizarre behaviour.

It’s not.

I don’t get worked up over McIlroy. Sure he’s a busted flush, I just derive enjoyment from his bottling every major.

It would have ruined your weekend had he won. Your one of the better posters on here but you shouldn’t waste your time on stuff you don’t like. Life is too short.

No danger of that. It seemed to ruin your weekend though.

McIlroy is finished. He’ll do nothing. Its amusing to watch his supporters think otherwise. You dont need to watch a single shot to savour that.

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I would have liked to see him do it but not as much as tiger.

Pearse is still seeing stars from the absolute hiding he took from Burke

Pearse just realised it was pointless even trying to debate when Matt Cooper was trying to moderate a 6 year old child like Burke shouting a few stock phrases out for 20 minutes. He actually smirked at the camera midway through it.

He was seething, waving his paper around like a madman

Matt Cooper enabled Burke’s childlike behaviour. Irish political broadcasters act as protectors and enablers for Gov reps to not answer questions.

A Government rep enters a debate with the same disadvantage a man entering a debate with a woman has as per Chris Rock - the need to make sense. A need to operate in the real world with resource constraints, legal obligations and realpolitik. Whereas an opposition spokesperson can spout off about Nationalising Dell, spending the Apple money or demographics “taking care of themselves” etc.

Irish broadcasters give disproportionate time to fringe lunatics like PBP and Iona

but they use that time to thoroughly debunk some of their more off the wall stuff, while simultaneously rolling over and having their beliies rubbed by govt

If we are to believe that NPHET and the Government are in opposite camps then RTE are very much in the NPHET doomsday camp while Varadkar, to the extent you can take him at face value, is more OUITF

they still heavily publicised the NPHET letter and gave leo the platform to savage holohan, even though he was the one who probably leaked the letter

A Gov rep knows that the broadcaster will direct and divert the debate away from the issue at hand, that they will not hold the Gov rep to account on the issue they have come in to defend and will allow them spoof away without being asked to stick on the matter they are questioned on.

That’s not a disadvantage, they have the broadcaster in their corner, helping them. Cronyism is not the real world and the Gov should be held accountable for their corrupt practises but there’s little chance of that when the state broadcaster is in their pocket.

A good example of stirring up a controversy for clickbait and hysteria. There’s plenty of examples where they have egged on a controversy that has been detrimental to the government but drags out a story. Their bias is towards hysteria

i disagree. when they drag out something like you say, its normally to keep another story off the front page which would be more damaging.

but i think we can agree that RTE is inept and should be consigned to history

We can all agree on that. Set up a new public service broadcaster one channel for news and current affairs, one channel for sport and entertainment. Consign the overpriced “talent” to the scrap heap. Redeploy all the staff who got jobs through nepotism as HSE contact tracers

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Bizarre coverage on rte news there of covid cases in the north with Rte shoehorning in the story about the SF tds tweet. While attempting to give background to Warrenpoint Tommy Gormless said the IRA killed 18 and also caused ‘frightened soldiers’ to kill someone else. Bizarre sweep sweeping of the killing of a civilian.

Sinn Féin TD apologises for controversial tweet about deaths of British soldiers in Ireland