Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Jennifer said the country has been ‘well served’ by moderate politicians. There are lots of people who have been treated appallingly by the state since its inception . Jennifer seems blissfully unaware of this fact. This is the point I was making. Sweden or utopia have fuck all to do with it

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Leave this one to the grown ups. You’re like a five foot lad in a six foot pool. Out of your depth.

I think has a general rule we have been well served and have come a long way as a nation over last 50 years.

Have mistakes been made and people let down. Yes of course. But her point was a move towards more extreme politics as seen in Poland, Hungary, US, even UK with Brexit is a dangerous road to go down particularly for a small country like us.

“The demographics will take care of themselves”

You have legacy issues and you need to deal with them.

Carroll McNeill calling for respect and moderation while FG/RIC roll out Trump style attack videos against Sinn Féin on social media every weekend. You literally could not make it up.

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Along with Simple Simon.

FG TDs really lacking in self awareness.

That’s a fairly small subset of millions of people over 100 years. I’m not trying to minimise the issues you’ve outlined but to disregard the progress in Ireland over that time, and the improvements in living standards across the board, is utterly disingenuous

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I think anyone with a shred of decency in them can see straight through Leo for what he really is. It’s no surprise that I was way out ahead of the curve, I usually am on these things.

This is a real Blueshirt nugget
Only for those pesky unions we would have a proper Health Service. You’re as deluded as Jennier Cuntyballs McNeill.

In case you missed it, the government voted against a motion to pay student nurses last night despite Simple Simon promises.


They were paid as HCAs when he tweeted that.

You should move to the utopia you think exists some place or maybe wait for SF IRA to wave their fairy godmother magic wand and create the money tree that will give everybody all they ever wished for.

The magic money tree again. From the FG party that brought you: out of control public spending in health and housing while conditions worsened due to ideological aversion to public spending; using once off tax gains for current spending; and, the most expensive hospital in the world of all time.



That was a disgraceful vote by the government last night and I’d say you know it. It’s a very small amount of money relatively speaking. Are you still standing over your claim that the unions are to blame for our shit health service?

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It is a relatively small amount of money - particularly in the context of the spend this year. I wonder what was the thinking behind it, could it be linked into wider pay claims or is there some other rationale?

The Government who give Larry Goodman an overpayment of €10m won’t pay the student nurses.

That’s the politics of FFFG.

I would take the view that society should be judged by how it treats its weakest members.


Given small amount of money there has to be a wider picture. If you pay student nurses do you trigger a wider nurses union pay claim.

But sure FG bad. SF good. That’s the way it’s gone these days.

God forbid we have to pay qualified nurses more money too. Where would it all end?

Anything to be said for another few rounds of applause for health care workers?

Cool. That then triggers pay claims across entire public service. But magic money tree so it’s fine.

My parents were both nurses.

FF and the GP also blocked paying the student nurses. The whole narrative now is to create 2 blocks here of FG and SF and I believe FG are in on it, it’s a sneaky way of gobbling up FF. Poor Martin can’t see it as he doesn’t care as long as he’s Taoiseach

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