Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Nothing anti-semite about it.

All it has proven is you’re zionist scum.

He doesn’t know the difference between anti Semitism and anti Israeli :rofl:

Mortified for him.


That’s not what you posted earlier mate… Anyway, I don’t give two fucks, I’m just trying to help you along. I’m Apolitical.

You’re having an awful meltdown here.

Proof if proof was needed that The Blueshirts are at code red when it comes to the future. Their toxic policies are in danger of being eradicated.

He’s spinning out of control… Tim better get here soon to save him.

That sentence is 3 words too long.

Bomber Harris did worse

I see Brian Stanley is taking the @binkybarnes approach of claiming that his tweet referencing Varadkar’s sexuality couldn’t possibly be homophobic given his “track record” on gay rights.

It’s strange that so called progressives feel the need to reference his sexuality so regularly when talking about his other politics. I suppose it’s similar to other so called right on people like Paddy Holohan’s racist and homophobic comments on Varadkar previously.

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Fine Gael reduced to playing the homophobic card now.

Amazing how it took the Concannonbots 3 years to decide something was homophobic.

Utterly frivolous and ever more desperate from the Irish far right blueshirts.

Some of his best friends are gay.

It’s fascinating to watch SF tie themselves in knots defending the indefensible.

The tweet was homophobic. They need to deal with the toxic culture that pervades that party where elected politicians engage in homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic insults.

We’ll see a photo from the 1930s as a response from the Shinnerbots.

As a known homophobe on here, you have no credibility on this issue.


You forgot sectarian

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And a known far right spin doctor, neither do you.


I abhor the far right.

I don’t think anyone with a history attached to it should glorify it, for example Provisional SF and Mary Lou McDonald should not attend commemorations for Seán Russell and AS Roma should not have a museum named after its fascist founder. We can all bit embarrassed by our history, like FG with Eoin O’Duffy, I’d take that over venerating these people.

Anyway, the point remains. The Stanley tweet was quite bizarre referencing Varadkar’s sexuality upon his election as Taoiseach.

You are the far right, mate.

FG try to airbrush their own sordid history but are busy using victims of the troubles as political footballs. Why do FG continue to thwart the McAnespie family and their quest for justice?

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Did he get this from President Trump?

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Which is better, naming a contemporary museum after your racist founder or attending commemorations for a fascist collaborator or being embarrassed about a section of your past?

I think I posted that at the time. It’s incredible this fella has risen so high. Fair fucks to him.