Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Not in a gay way.

You can’t even teach yourself zen. The mere sight of Paddy Cosgrave has you in a full meltdown. You’re a worse actor than Clive Owen.

S’all good man. Reach out.

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Can you give me some examples of these homophobic posts I made about Leo? You’ll find plenty of me calling him a cunt alright.

Is current Spin Fein policy still to ban water fluoridation. Is that why a lot of their members have bad teeth.

Don’t know, mate.

Scum Fein relying on paddy wifi cosgrave to bat for them now, a serious black eye for anyone

Check. Mate.


FG and SF, 2 sides of the same coin

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Ah leave @TheUlteriorMotive alone.

He’s not very bright and he’ll just spam until the calvary arrive. The longstanding old money Blueshirts like @tallback and @Tim_Riggins secretely despise the highly leveraged upwardly mobile and aspirational middle class like @TheUlteriorMotive

He has to go.

Is it still current Spin Fein policy was all I asked and you have sent on newspaper reports from 20 years ago about a different party.


Not just a different party but the party you support.

I don’t support any party.

It’s not a football team you support for life.

I choose who I vote for at each election based on their policies and track record.

The two Trumpian parties will battle among themselves for the next 20 years until the people see the light and FF with Labour and AK47 in coalition bring us to a better place

You’ll be in your element voting for all the paedophile protectors in FF again, won’t you?


You never really did give a toss about child abuse victims did you? You just sunk to the levels of a sewer rat to score points on them. That’s pretty fucking low.

This is fascinating to watch