Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Or the real reason - the MSM are not interested in reporting matters fairly across the board.

Look at the Grace case, a FG gov minister alleged of intervening to allow a vulnerable child stay in the care of a child abusing foster parent. And the story has been buried, the case is being delayed and delayed and delayed until such time as Noonan is in too bad of health or dead to participate. And where’s the media coverage? Oh yeah - shhhhhhhhhhh.

Ah thats seems very harmless. Very harmless indeed.

That’s neither here nor there to the what actually happened, suppositions do not work here.

A disproportionate amount of civilians died during the Troubles due to the tactics of the Provisional IRA.

Balmoral Furniture bombing, Abercorn, Bloody Friday, Red Lion, Donegal Street, Birmingham, Piccadilly, Mountainview Tavern, Kingsmill, Remembrance Day…the list goes on where civilians either took the entire load or a disproportionate amount of the deaths.

Were the tactics of the IRA in the WoI all correct? Absolutely not, things like Headford and Upton had a disproportionate impact on civilians. However, the PIRA had a sustained run of attacks where civilians were unduly impacted and they did not change course.

Just factually incorrect.

The Troubles lasted 30 years - 1,840 civilian deaths
War of Independence lasted 3 years - 750 civilian deaths
Irish Civil War 1 year - 300/400 deaths.

So stop telling blatant lies.

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In terms of civilian deahths.

Provos - 29%
British Army - 51%
Loyalist Paramilitaries - circa 80%


Look over there. It’s Leo.

Knock yourself out

The facts are above, I’m sure you won’t like them though.

  1. The Dail.

A party activist calling to door of a young member requesting they delete social media posts is not a great look for Spin Féin. It’s threatening behavior and the young lady saw it that way and resigned.

And what’s your point? Nobody has defended those killings.

But the facts are far less Republicans died during the Troubles than the WoI, despite the fact that one last 2 years and the other 30. Many Republicans died at the hands of other Republicans, due to feuds. It took the Provos the guts of three decades to inflict the same military casualties as the IRA did during the WoI.

This was as a result of the low supports and cowardly tactics of the PIRA.

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Which ones? That the PIRA were cowards?

The Enniskillen bombing was a particularly cowardly act. Bombing kids and OAPs.

Depsite the fact.

One war lasterd 30 years, the other 4. You are changing tactics.

Now your words hang you here. The Provos killed proportionately less civilians than any of the other protagonists in the The Troubles - so you’re wrong.

Proportionately far less civilians died in the The Troubles than the Civil War.

I think your main problem is the uneasy truth. Varadkar hanging a portrait of violent killer like Collins in his office is proof of the FG double speak.

Spin Gael will do their best to muddy the waters but the history cannot be airbrushed, again you’re wrong.

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The Proxy Bomb was another. They used that cowardly act three times before they stopped.

About which?

Proportions is irrelevant. We are not comparing to Loyalists or British Army here, only you bring that up repeatedly on this as that is the only terms you understand.

Again on the Civil War, nobody glorifies that in the South. The Civil War was a source of major embarrassment to both sides in reality, and whilst it impacted on political formations, it played little day to day roles in Irish lives. The Troubles needs to be the Civil War in terms of embarrassment for Provisional SF.

This goes back to again, people like yourself being more interested in justifying PIRA’s campaign than a 32 county Republic. The vast majority of the south reviled the actions of the time and you are trying to rewrite that in the public discussions. You lot are as great a barrier to it as Unionists, it’s hilarious. Do you honestly think by putting Warrenpoint alongside Kilmichael in the southern Irish consciousness that you are closer to a 32 county Republic?




Varadkar is just discredited beyond belief at this stage. SF has become acceptable to many under his watch. That’s his legacy. He’s better off staying quiet at this stage.