Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

What was the homophobic tweet? Can you post it up?

I dunno what point you are making here tbh. If they had electricity in the Middle Ages I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be carrying fire torches into rooms. Both were murderous organizations separated by time and technology.


I have stated numerous times that I disagreed with the WoI. However, the IRA of them and the PIRA (mostly in private) made the argument that these were informers.

The tactics we are discussing are the repeated tactics of the PIRA in “combating” the British. Planting bombs etc. Their tactics were 100% cowardly. This is reflected in the low death toll of Republicans during the conflict, which resulted in a disproportionate amount of deaths amongst Civilians.

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How is it compared with shooting unarmed civilians? You know like a 12 year old girl, in the back?

Do you think the Old IRA challenged all the civilians they killed to a duel before they died?

You seem very perturbed by facts Tim. You’re tying yourself in knots here.

You are making suppositions of what they would have done, that’s neither here nor there.

The reality is that the PIRA used the tactics they did because they had tiny manpower and very limited local support for their actions.

What’s your view or Jean McConville? Don’t you make a distinction between intentional and non intentional civilians murders?

If a child is shot in the back by one side, does that justify the other side killing a child, or tagetting civilians?

Genuine question.

She was a spy. It was regrettable but that was the situation we were living in

What’s your view on the murder of Maria Lindsay?

Spin Fein send heavies to the homes of young members to warn them about social media posts. That’s what you’re dealing with.


It was war.

I think if we are commenting on acts committed we shouldn’t just look at the PIRA.

We should look at the other protagonists in that conflict and we should look at the actions of republicans and Free State forces in both the War of Independence and Civil War?

Would you not agree.

I’m more interested in the circumstances that forced ordinary people to take up arms and be willing to kill people for a cause.


The lady in question resigned from the party.

Yes. Her account seems to be much different from the narrative Spin Gael are putting out there.

Why did she resign.

No I don’t agree.

Even in war each act can be looked at in isolation and a judged as right or wrong.

It is fair to say that purposely targeting civilians and or children is always wrong. Nothing the other side does can justify it.

Wouldn’t you agree?

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You’ll have to ask her that.

Why did the FG candidate in Louth sexually assault a homeless person?

War has no rules mate, it’s cruel and ugly.

Children were killed in the War of Independence and Civil War too.

But why were these people drawn to a gun?

That is outrageous. And Eoin O’Broin was laughing at it yesterday on the Week in Politics.

It’s also not true.

As a matter of interest what do you make of the Loughall and Gibraltar ambushes?