❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

I’ve a golf grip hurling

Quit trying to do me you cnut

I’m left hand, right footed, right eye dominant and play everything righthanded. The young lad, does everything with his left.

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I’m left handed,left footed…play snooker/darts left handed but play golf right handed!!:man_shrugging:

Very hard to preach to kids about what hand to have on top of hurley when you see Eoin larkin, joe Cooney, Gary Kirby et al

Left handed, left footed, but play darts right handed (won a match in the local in 2014).


For the turkey and ham


Is this just a guy misreading the signs from her - she accepted his invite at night to his residence - and her looking for a #metoo moment? I mean he tried to snog her and it’s a sexual assault?

Not for me

Weiner’s ex?

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An unwelcome kiss is now a sexual assault. Coming from a woman who had no problem working for Hillary Clinton who enabled sexual assault for decades and was married to convicted child molester Anthony Weiner, I think we can safely assume this is about selling her book.


Weiner I was unaware of and it’s nothing to do with the Clintons. But this

may be more like it.


I’d hazard a guess that close to 100% of males growing up in 50/60/70’s and even 80’s would now be guilty of “making a pass” at a bird who rejected it. and would now be considered sexual predators.

Quite telling how the abuse JK Rowling gets is very gendered

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With the benefit of hindsight, the boomers were a generation of rapists.

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If you were to take todays criteria then half this forum (including me) would be posting from a cell


The truth!

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I read of a case recently where if there had been camera phones when I was 18 I’d probably be in jail, swept up as part of the metoo movement

Better give this thread a timely bump


That was actually a very good article which tbh had a lot of valid points.