So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

They’ll get theirs.

he is getting grants from the government on one hand & the other hand he is selling land for 150k a pop - no wonder farmers are despised

don’t worry blue, tisn’t the sort of land I’d risk putting my own cattle on :thumbsup: Has gotten very “soft” from time to time.

Irish farmers are not to be trusted - scumpot and NCC are bang on the money here.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Gas seeing the public sector lads complaining about the farmers.

Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

A few facts about farmers:

  • The country would be nothing without them. We are still mainly an agricultural nation.
  • The price of cattle is the same now as it was when I was a gasuin. We are talking 15 years at least without a price movement. Meanwhile, the price of foodstuffs, vets etc has gone through the roof.[/quote]

We’re farmers creaming it 15 years ago so? I know they are suffering now but I take it that they were raking it in 15-20 years ago, broke even around 6-8 yrs ago and now are in the shit.

Technically they’ve always been in the shit.

Ah farmers are loved.

Must be bad land to be only getting that. You wouldnt sell a site up around home for less than 200k over the past few years. 250 if it was a townie cunt with more money than sense.

There’s money in shit if you do it right.

thats the bit farmer fails to notice…bunch of cunts them farmers…

i know he’s no gga man but the fake crake is hurling all round him here…:clap:

There is a lot of fellas contemplating getting out of farming because of all these reasons, the arse has fallen out of it recently and the government needs to step in to help out the farmers who have been the lifeblood of this country since time began.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Ah farmers are loved.

Must be bad land to be only getting that. You wouldnt sell a site up around home for less than 200k over the past few years. 250 if it was a townie cunt with more money than sense.[/quote]

not by us consumers

you must just have bad experiences from the Fingal markets.

Hard to argue with any of that.

good riddance to them, let the ethical one survive & not the inefficent freeloaders that are all too common- funny enough the bogfarmers are against the public sector but are demanding free money for their disease ridden products:mad:

the indonesians , the americans,the arabians, the french etc etc etc have all had bad experiences

Overreactions all.

So farmers deserve handouts while bankers are scum and deserve nothing. Is that right?

Explain the difference.

[quote=“Flano”]So farmers deserve handouts while bankers are scum and deserve nothing. Is that right?

Explain the difference.[/quote]

Bankers don’t have cowshit on their kitchen tiles.

[quote=“Flano”]So farmers deserve handouts while bankers are scum and deserve nothing. Is that right?

Explain the difference.[/quote]

Farmers prop this country up, bankers burn it down from the inside. :thumbsup:
