So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

The highest paid public sector in europe and they can`t take pay cuts like everyone else :confused: . The job security no matter how bad they are at their jobs has really gone to their heads.

they have already taken pay cuts yet the private sector is increasing pay- any evidence to support the highest paid comment?

runty giving out about his uncle getting 40k in handouts and then cursing the public sector who the majority wouldn’t be near 40k a year for fighting a 7% paycut…:confused:

It was on the last word last night .

That was the problem.
If they had a half the cuteness of a farmer then they would never have got us into this mess.

Farmers are good aul sorts.

They are hardly handouts. They are to enable him to be able to provide milk for your museli and steak for your dinner.

& selling land for 150k a pop

What kind of pay cuts have the public sector taken? Anything like the 20% some of the private sector have taken?

i only drink soya milk & eat argentinian rump steak

i’d say a few of the cunts on here probably have a handout coming to them for claiming to have preserved our on site corncrake…:rolleyes:

Tis only the bad land you’d sell for that sort of money back in the day.

Farmers provide a service few others would be capable of doing in their absence, they are to be lauded. Any lad would walk into a 40k civil service job and keep it ticking over, how many civil servants could walk onto a farm and keeping it going?


read larry duffs post about private sector increases


and some have got increases…

The value of his sites have fallen by over a third as well, that’s 33%.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Tis only the bad land you’d sell for that sort of money back in the day.

Farmers provide a service few others would be capable of doing in their absence, they are to be lauded. Any lad would walk into a 40k civil service job and keep it ticking over, how many civil servants could walk onto a farm and keeping it going?[/quote]

seems easy enough- bog farmers watch their cows eat grass in the field all day-

of what he originally paid for it??..

Jaysus thats a tough aul station. Sad to see.

Aye, thats all there is to it, if you were learning from Bosco. :smiley:

I’ve no problem with Irish farmers.