So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

mad cow, angel dust, foot & mouth, beastiality etc etc - irish farmers are famous for all the wrong things

Yet, more and more countries want to buy beef off us. It must be good.


Tisnt a bit wrong with the aul Irish beef, lauded all over the world. Very poor form here from the two boys, but it is nice to see them united for a change, albeit wrongly.

America is two continents Flano. Is this the US you speak of?

America is America.

Outside of the major cities the USA is a 3rd world country.

fixed that for you

Twasn’t wrong.

The bible belt, forward thinking folk alright…:rolleyes:

cant blame the indonesians for their initial stance but id be critical of thier goverment for playing russian roulette with their citizens lives

:d :d :d

till next time:rolleyes:

Interesting to note the lack of coverage given to CSO report on Friday which announced that average pay increased in the year to the daily attacks on Public Sector Workers who have all taken pay cuts.

Ye go about the grants as if they are creaming it in. My uncle has a fine big farm yet he only got about 40k in grants and subsidies last year. With the arse fallen out of selling the sites (down from 150k a site to 100k) and the lower beef prices he’s thinking of packing it in.

what has the value of his sites got to do with his earnings? he sees himself as a speculator as well as a freeloader?

He has plenty of road frontage, and would sell off one or two sites a year and set that money aside then for a new jeep or tractor. I don’t see how that is specualting? It’s called servicing a market.


not only is he ethically bankrupt from his farming practicses he seems to be morally bankrupt as a property speculator:mad:

I wouldnt be in favour of selling the sites meself, God isnt making anymore land. Shows how bad things are for the poor aul farmer when things like this need to be done though.

The Japanese are though.