So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On


He inherited it and added on bits and pieces over time.

Showing some fine ignorance :rolleyes:

:clap: An honourable man Minister.

the other secret shame of the bogfarmer is how they got their land- when the english left ireland & the landlords fled it was generally the one in cahoots with them that kept the land, any farmer that has land that predates the brits leaving were actively pro british yes men loyal to the crown & to the land the crown gave them- i think the term used here is soup taker- all farmers are soup takers

how many generations back did your uncle family have the land runt?

[quote=“The Runt”]Huh?

He inherited it and added on bits and pieces over time.[/quote]

Inheritance Tax is a joke at the moment aswell.

[quote=“north county corncrake”]the other secret shame of the bogfarmer is how they got their land- when the english left ireland & the landlords fled it was generally the one in cahoots with them that kept the land, any farmer that has land that predates the brits leaving were actively pro british yes men loyal to the crown & to the land the crown gave them- i think the term used here is soup taker- all farmers are soup takers

how many generations back did your uncle family have the land runt?[/quote]

Does this apply to the land leagues?

[quote=“north county corncrake”]the other secret shame of the bogfarmer is how they got their land- when the english left ireland & the landlords fled it was generally the one in cahoots with them that kept the land, any farmer that has land that predates the brits leaving were actively pro british yes men loyal to the crown & to the land the crown gave them- i think the term used here is soup taker- all farmers are soup takers

how many generations back did your uncle family have the land runt?[/quote]

Not sure, tis been there as long as I know. My own father would have come out of the farm house, so I suppose it’s 100 years at least.

yes,that was a capitlaist exercise used by farmers as they saw it as thier best chance of getting land but the reality is - all farmers were pro british

Thats a pretty astonishing revelation there, you’d imagine it would have come out before now on a football forum however. :smiley:

IOTM post right there.

Ah not so much IOTM, just pure desperation and seethingness at not being a landowner.

Prove it’s not true…

yes, its one of Irelands dark secrets that my research has revealed- rasputin was bulling about this when word reached him in petrograd considering the treatments of the russian peasant farmers

Myth that public sector haven’t taken a significant decrease just shows how powerful some of media elements really are. Facts are that everyone has taken a decrease and pay has gone down substantially more than the 7.5% in some cases even amongst those who earn less than 45k. Ireland has 3rd smallest expenditure as % of GDP and this figure has decreased over past ten years. FF and O’Reilly’s strategy has workd a treat.

you cant deal with the truth

i take it you never heard of the Corncrake grant scheme then…


So we’re joking then, good.

Getting back to the matter at hand, there’s a certain satisfaction that comes from farming your own land, something no office job can replicate. Manual labour is a thing of beauty, man was not meant to sit at a desk, however necessary it unfortunately can be.

His family lived in a dublin tenament while my grand fathered farmed his couple of hundred acres. I can see where the resentment would come from alright.

Ah yes the “Big House”. :clap:

the reality is that the famers that wernt pro british got land that was too small & uneconimcal- the farmers that survive today inherited the land that their forefathers got for been souptakers:thumbsup: