So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

to think that some people are saying unions dont have the backing of their members is farcial:D

:D:D i know thats a wum…every system can be learned in half an hour…you didn’t work for AIB with a lad called Rusnak did you??..:smiley:

“I’m not expecting some poor aul lad out of Ag College to analyse the Census results mind you”

thats my point…lads on far less than 40k do those tasks…


thats my point…lads on far less than 40k do those tasks…[/quote]

Surely Statisticians make more than that? I could check it up but I’m not arsed, but if I came out of College with the qualifications necessary to become a Statistician I’d be upset if I was only earning less than 40K?

Are you a Civil Servant yourself Scumpot?

Despite being relatively poorly paid during Celtic Tiget years many public sector knew that if downturn came their jobs would be more secure than those in private sector. They shouldn’t have to pay yet again for this priveldge which incidentally has not proved to be as secure in many causes as previously thought!

its a disgrace…if i wasn’t on sick leave I’d gladly be in the trenches and giving up a days pay…i’m seething…

Jesus larry, missing the tone of the argument a bit here aren’t you.

This is how it’s done

[quote=“myboyblue”]Surely Statisticians make more than that? I could check it up but I’m not arsed, but if I came out of College with the qualifications necessary to become a Statistician I’d be upset if I was only earning less than 40K?

Are you a Civil Servant yourself Scumpot?[/quote]

statisticans would start off in and around that but it wouldn’t be just them compiling the data…there’d be delegation involved like all departments…you know its well known in civil service the higher you go, the less you do…so the work has to land somewhere along the way…

30k is a fairly shite wage for someone as qualified as a Statistician Scumpot, you sure?

around the 40k i was saying…they’d start off around that…

Still seems very low to me, for a Statistician, 40K?

i’d reckon around that…the qualification that would get you an interview would be having done a degree course that involved some maths as a subject and also computers…that net catches a lot of degrees…

if you can get it. I know in the case of teachers, and have a good few friends who are teachers who arent permanent and are completely uncertain of their job and more cuts mean they are finished. there are thousands of graduate teachers who are unemployed. instead of people attacking those who want ot work and dont advocate the strike, they should be after the senior ones who are “retired” but still take pension and also still work by taking relief classes. there is a lot of piss taking in the higher ranks of most unions, and its there where the problem lies, not with the workers of our age who are only in the job a wet week and not exactly creaming it with the bullshit figures of €60k+ etc.

Hmmm, still think you might be wrong, but you seem pretty sure of yourself and I’m too lazy to bother my hole find out. 40k for a Statisticians job, I’m right then, never believe anything that comes out of the ESRI.

Good point well made.
The job security and the pension was meant to be one of the attractions of it, now it’s used as a stick to beat people with.

The way people go on, you’d think you needed a rich daddy or some kind of old school tie to get into the public service. Sure most people in the private sector could have joined if they’d wanted to, in most cases, or got the education to, in others. They chose not to. Their must have been some reason for that.

I’d wager most private sector lads on here have a third level qualification. Why did ye not get a public service job if everything about them is great - pay, conditions, pensions. Seems a no brainer to me.
Are ye thick or what?

[quote=“gola”]Good point well made.
The job security and the pension was meant to be one of the attractions of it, now it’s used as a stick to beat people with.

The way people go on, you’d think you needed a rich daddy or some kind of old school tie to get into the public service. Sure most people in the private sector could have joined if they’d wanted to, in most cases, or got the education to, in others. They chose not to. Their must have been some reason for that.

I’d wager most private sector lads on here have a third level qualification. Why did ye not get a public service job if everything about them is great - pay, conditions, pensions. Seems a no brainer to me.
Are ye thick or what?[/quote]

I’d rather be out in the real world trying to better myself rather than taking the easy option like Foley et al.

more strikes penned in for next thursday too

Ya, more fun and games in cuckoo land.

just checked there for you…according to an advertisement on public in 2007 for statisticans…the starting payscale was 33,778…degrees with min 2.1 in maths to accountancy were acceptable…
I think you’ve learned a valuable lesson today buddy about whats fact and whats hear say…;):wink:

and remember…

[nomedia=“”]YouTube- PUBLIC ENEMY “Don’t Believe The Hype”[/nomedia]

According to someone I know in the CS, there’s be animosity about the strkes already, can’t imagine further strikes going down well with the Union membership.

33k for a Statistician, no wonder you can’t believe what comes out of those places. 33K?! Fucking hell…

They started charging us an extra 10c for tea in the canteen today, I`m going on strike.