So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

[quote=“myboyblue”]According to someone I know in the CS, there’s be animosity about the strkes already, can’t imagine further strikes going down well with the Union membership.

33k for a Statistician, no wonder you can’t believe what comes out of those places. 33K?! Fucking hell…[/quote]

obviously you believe it when it suits…:wink:

i agree though…can’t see people wanting to strike again…there’ll be a mutiny…

[quote=“scumpot”]obviously you believe it when it suits…:wink:

i agree though…can’t see people wanting to strike again…there’ll be a mutiny…[/quote]

I take everything from the ESRI, CSO or the likes with a pinch of salt scumpot, you shouldn’t be so believing.

Anyone with those sort of qualifications and accepting 33K must have been turned away from every other right thinking organisation in the private sector.

[quote=“scumpot”]obviously you believe it when it suits…:wink:

i agree though…can’t see people wanting to strike again…there’ll be a mutiny…[/quote]

I agree too scumpot. As I mentioned earlier in the thread I was told by two seperate CO’s at the weekend that if a 2nd strike was called they would be leaving the union and would work that day.

I hope the Unions get whats coming to them from their membership. All the votes were pretty tight if what I’m told is to be believed. Will they vote again before next week?

I saw that Blair cunt from the CPSU was on news earlier today, its cunts like him that are half the problem.

I couldn’t get a start on some sellotape today, I’m going on strike.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I take everything from the ESRI, CSO or the likes with a pinch of salt scumpot, you shouldn’t be so believing.

Anyone with those sort of qualifications and accepting 33K must have been turned away from every other right thinking organisation in the private sector.[/quote]

or maybe they had the same choices as you but joined the civil service for the other benefits as opposed to having the big salary??..they went for the marathon approach as opposed to the sprint in private sector where lads went in every year looking for their increase until hey presto they became too expensive to employ and the junior replaces him and the cycle continues…:smiley:

and lets keep it real here about who is ‘so believing’…you’re the one who was corrected about your ideas of public payscales…:wink:

[quote=“scumpot”]or maybe they had the same choices as you but joined the civil service for the other benefits as opposed to having the big salary??..they went for the marathon approach as opposed to the sprint in private sector where lads went in every year looking for their increase until hey presto they became too expensive to employ and the junior replaces him and the cycle continues…:smiley:

and lets keep it real here about who is ‘so believing’…you’re the one who was corrected about your ideas of public payscales…;)[/quote]

So you’re saying lads went to college with the dreams of getting a 33K job in the CS? :rolleyes:

what right minded person has their dreams and their job related I ask you??..unless you are a doctor, fireman or something to do with helping fellow human beings then i think you are one fookin sad bastard if the sum of your dreams is being spotted down the IFSC in a fancy suit…:eek:
you’re easily pleasd…

Scumpot I think I may have figured out whats wrong with you. You aren’t happy in your job. Job satisfaction is a huge factor in life, you should find a job you are happy with. Life is too short.

A CS friend of mine on Facebook just posted up a new status

“worked the picket today for half an hour, just back from Newry now, good days work done”.

At least the day wasn’t a complete loss for her anyway…

nah…my job wouldn’t worry me enough to make me unhappy…i have a hard enough job but once i leave the office i don’t think of it til i walk back in the next morning…thats satisfaction enough for me i feel…

[quote=“myboyblue”]A CS friend of mine on Facebook just posted up a new status

“worked the picket today for half an hour, just back from Newry now, good days work done”.

At least the day wasn’t a complete loss for her anyway…[/quote]

And you don’t think she was pulling the piss?

Reckon you must be on the wum with your reaction to the ‘paltry’ 33k though…

[quote=“gola”]And you don’t think she was pulling the piss?

Reckon you must be on the wum with your reaction to the ‘paltry’ 33k though…[/quote]

You’d be happy with 33K after coming out of college with those qualifications gola? I wouldn’t have been to be honest. Maybe its just me.

Maybe she is pulling the piss, not sure why she would though. :confused:

[quote=“myboyblue”]You’d be happy with 33K after coming out of college with those qualifications gola? I wouldn’t have been to be honest. Maybe its just me.

Maybe she is pulling the piss, not sure why she would though. :confused:[/quote]

i’d have a similar qualification to what they were looking for when i left college…the first job i had would have been considered good pay for first job out of college but was nowhere near that amount…accountants would start off for 3 years after their degree doing an apprenticeship and i doubt their first year after qualifyiing would be much more than 33k?..what line of work are you in?..

anyone that thinks the unions dont have the support of their members is in la la land- these strikes will attract members. though im not surprised to see posters who got land because their forefathers were souptakers take the side of the capialist pigs & the government- history does repeat itself

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[quote=“myboyblue”]You’d be happy with 33K after coming out of college with those qualifications gola? I wouldn’t have been to be honest. Maybe its just me.

Maybe she is pulling the piss, not sure why she would though. :confused:[/quote]

Not sure if I would have but surely this is the whole public v private thing in a nutshell? You get less wages for a similar level of job in return for some sort of security and better pension. That was always the whole point.
It’s only lately I’ve heard it said that public sector were gettin paid MORE. it’s always been the other way around and you’re astonishment at the 33k proves it still is in a lot of cases.

I’d presume yer one is pullin the piss by posting up an over the top exaggeration of what everyone thinks public sector workers are up to today. I’m gettin texts like that all day from teachers etc.
Maybe she’s just an incredibly stupid self obsessed cunt though, which can’t be ruled out either!

[quote=“myboyblue”]You’d be happy with 33K after coming out of college with those qualifications gola? I wouldn’t have been to be honest. Maybe its just me.

Maybe she is pulling the piss, not sure why she would though. :confused:[/quote]

well she quite obviously had you wummed through the hoops on what a statistician would be getting in the CS, so why stop there, why not wum you over newry and the strike

as regards the feeling towards the strike, the feeling is there for another one, but the issues need to be widened and I’ve written to my ould buddy asking him for a union boycott on the o’reilly stable of lies

still prescient today :


This thread was a good days work out of me, especially scumpot and NCC trying to out seeth each other in relation to farmers

:pint: :pint:

This thread was a good days work out of me, especially scumpot and NCC trying to out seeth each other in relation to farmers

:pint: :pint:[/quote]


i’m ahead a lot more than that :smiley: