So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On


This thread was a good days work out of me, especially scumpot and NCC trying to out seeth each other in relation to farmers

:pint: :pint:[/quote]

Ah yea runt, but did you get 3 separate youtube clips?!! :D:clap::popcorn::pint::thumbsup::D:clap:

:smiley: :clap: :smiley: :clap: :smiley:


This thread was a good days work out of me, especially scumpot and NCC trying to out seeth each other in relation to farmers

:pint: :pint:[/quote]

This thread was a good days work out of me, especially scumpot and NCC trying to out seeth each other in relation to farmers

:pint: :pint:[/quote]


your the lad going to the family tree to help us feel the farmers plight…i almost feel like i know uncle farmer runt himslef at this stage…:D:D

MBB…the lads around here have you well sussed alright…a fookin spoofer of the highest order…:smiley:

your the lad going to the family tree to help us feel the farmers plight…i almost feel like i know uncle farmer runt himslef at this stage…:D:D

Glad one of us knows him :smiley:

MBB…the lads around here have you well sussed alright…a fookin spoofer of the highest order…:D[/quote]

Don’t feel bad scumpot, twas all a bit of fun, even if I held you up for the last three rounds. :thumbsup:


The only farm the runt ever saw was on Bosco :smiley:

fantasy lad…pure fantasy…you made a fookin fool of yourself…Poor MGG got hammered around here for posting her cv…you and your 33k rant is on a par with that…:D:D

:smiley: This is like the end of an episode of Thundercats with everyone breaking their shite laughing together :smiley:

I don’t think there are any winners here.

:thumbsup: It’s a bit like the end of Lock, Stock too.

i think the site is the real loser here poundage…there is a pattern here…a discussion and nothing more starts out and some lad is shown not to have a clue what he is talkin about…someone points out how clueless he is and your man says he was on the wind all along…wind up about what? was a discussion in the first place…its gettin a bit sad at this stage…as admin you need to pull rank…:thumbsup:

Scumpot is hurting real bad here…twas only an aul ballhop lad, suck it up and move on.

this is the bit i don’t get…i’m hurting from what??..there was nothing in anything that was said that you could claim would hurt anyone…please enlighten me…clueless shit yes but stuff that would leave a lad hurting…hardly…
admit it blue…you’re a fookin a spoofer…when anyone scratches below the surface with you, you’ve been badly exposed over the last month or so…they are lining up to call you a knob…:D:D

[quote=“scumpot”]this is the bit i don’t get…i’m hurting from what??..there was nothing in anything that was said that you could claim would hurt anyone…please enlighten me…clueless shit yes but stuff that would leave a lad hurting…hardly…
admit it blue…you’re a fookin a spoofer…when anyone scratches below the surface with you, you’ve been badly exposed over the last month or so…they are lining up to call you a knob…:D:D[/quote]

Scumpot, I told you a farmer could do what you do with 30 minutes training and a tea break, and you fell for it. Cmon now. And now you’ve used the badly exposed line to boot. :smiley:


I’d find that very, very hard to believe.

There is no-one on this site would hold a light to MGG in full flight.

All public servants to be handed between 10-14 days compulsory, unpaid leave in 2010, with the remainder of the savings to be got from those on over 150,000.

This is the latest whisper.