So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

[quote=“tipptops*”]All public servants to be handed between 10-14 days compulsory, unpaid leave in 2010, with the remainder of the savings to be got from those on over 150,000.

This is the latest whisper.[/quote]

I heard something similar to this last week as well but thought it was a pay reduction equivalent to 1 day per month. Didn’t realise it was actually a days leave.

:eek:[quote=“tipptops*”]All public servants to be handed between 10-14 days compulsory, unpaid leave in 2010, with the remainder of the savings to be got from those on over 150,000.

This is the latest whisper.[/quote]


how fuckin sweet would that be




how fuckin sweet would that be[/quote]

It would be grand - No different to term time really. They are giving it until the end of Today to tie up this deal or the strike is going ahead on Thursday. They were at it until 2.00am last night apparently.

true- very similar to term time- i hope those capitalist pigs in the private sector appreciate the sacrifice though


well said fake crake…

:rolleyes: Sure why not take 365 days off.

With you guys off the roads in the morning private sector commutes with half and thus private sector morale will be up and we won’t mind paying taxes to keep you on the dole, sure it’ll just be like the time when we paid taxes to keep you in jobs where you stood around the water cooler all day discussing strikes and different colour poles to hold up picket posters.

Spot on mate, but i doubt many of them have the capability or intelligence to recognise it.

Was talking to a woman who works in a special needs hostel or something and she was saying the staff asked their unions to be allowed not to go on strike as they didn’t want the people who lived in the hostel with special needs to be left unduly unattended. The union told them no that they still had to strike. The woman and her colleagues even offered to work for no pay and their union still said no. Cunts.

Nice story mate, its a pity its 2nd hand information :rolleyes:

Doesn’t mean its not true

and that’s why mbb thinks that civil servants are on 70k

I can categorically rubbish that story, I was out on sunday with one of the lads whpo works in the hostels, and they were wrking during the strike on a limited staff


I can categorically rubbish that story, I was out on sunday with one of the lads whpo works in the hostels, and they were wrking during the strike on a limited staff[/quote]


The Irish public service has a lot to answer for. After 3-4 decades of free education the system still spits out these morons who are convinced it’s the devil of unionisation that is the threat to the country. Idiots.


A deal has been seemingly agreed by the Unions and is now to go before the cabinet for ratification.

14 - 20 unpaid days leave.

No pay cuts.

No strike on Thursday.

That’s a lot of unpaid leave.

Pragmatic solution, not sure everyone will go for it but it’s a reasonable compromise.

I’m sure teachers will take their unpaid leave during their holliers will they?

[quote=“Rocko”]That’s a lot of unpaid leave.

Pragmatic solution, not sure everyone will go for it but it’s a reasonable compromise.[/quote]

The cuts were going to come either way Rocko, this way public sector workers are getting something out of it.

There is nothing being said about increments - If these are left alone then some public servants won’t be affected much at all by the lost pay, if say their increment is due in January or February.

Also, Those who might have told the landlord a few weeks ago that the rent will have to be renegotiated after xmas, after the cuts, could end up making a profit out of all this in real terms.