So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

[quote=“tipptops*”]A deal has been seemingly agreed by the Unions and is now to go before the cabinet for ratification.

14 - 20 unpaid days leave.

No pay cuts.

No strike on Thursday.[/quote]

sounds good- i hope there is an option for me to still come to work for those days as I would hate to see the old, the infirm & our huddled masses lose out by me not been able to fulfil my vocation to them


Bravo Sir. Its you and your ilk that are keeping the Country going in its hour of need.

that would be a good compromise…with that and annual leave and flexi time I reckon we could have enough to just work a 4 day week…:clap::clap:

yep - i have 26 days leave at the minute
12 days flexi
another 14 wouldnt go amiss - i need as much time off as possible if im ever going to finish my book on rasputins time in the crimea

[quote=“north county corncrake”]yep - i have 26 days leave at the minute
12 days flexi
another 14 wouldnt go amiss - i need as much time off as possible if im ever going to finish my book on rasputins time in the crimea[/quote]

you’ll never need to worry about flexi or term time after that cracking masterpiece is finished mate…it will fund the retirement while also bringing the parisien left bank to a standstill…:thumbsup:

why are u only geting 12 flexi days instead of 18 buddy?..

[quote=“scumpot”]you’ll never need to worry about flexi or term time after that cracking masterpiece is finished mate…it will fund the retirement while also bringing the parisien left bank to a standstill…:thumbsup:

why are u only geting 12 flexi days instead of 18 buddy?..[/quote]

1 a month - im with an agency rather than the civil service so our rules differ slightly

you up there on harcourt road with the NCA and the like?..

no- smack bang in the CBD

Anyone else in the loop know the scoop on this? Are the strikes on Thursday going ahead or not?

A lot of wankers in the HSE will have an easy day even if they don’t strike, a lot of non-emergency surgeries have been cancelled already:mad:.

Cowen just officially announced that strike on Thursday is off

fuck it, was planning on going to newry :popcorn:

They sell razors down here as well Art

Anyone in the loop know whether operations that were scheduled for Thursday and were postponed mid afternoon will now be pencilled back in for Thursday? Obviously will find out in the morning but this will facilitate planning. Thanks in advance, cunts.

It looks like the back benchers aren’t going to accept this unpaid leave deal. There’s only a week left to the budget now so they will have to come up with something in the coming days. Myself I can see the merits in it, but is a total sop to the unions, and doesn’t come even near saving the money required.

if those pricks led by example i would take them seriously but as they dont then I wont

Up the Ra

I can’t understand the FF backbenchers on this.

The most spineless bunch of cunts you could ever meet in your life. The pricks who wouldn’t say a word out of place on expenses, on Bertie’s shameful actions before the tribunal, on the war in Iraq and our facilitation of it, on virtually ever major issue this country has ever faced.

Now in the space of two months they’re up in arms about drink driving and now they’re not happy with the trade unions. Since when did FF backbenchers start caring about public finances?

Think this is pure tactics from FF to test the water, they’ve got the reaction they wanted to go back to the unions and look for something better.

[quote=“Rocko”]I can’t understand the FF backbenchers on this.

The most spineless bunch of cunts you could ever meet in your life. The pricks who wouldn’t say a word out of place on expenses, on Bertie’s shameful actions before the tribunal, on the war in Iraq and our facilitation of it, on virtually ever major issue this country has ever faced.

Now in the space of two months they’re up in arms about drink driving and now they’re not happy with the trade unions. Since when did FF backbenchers start caring about public finances?

Think this is pure tactics from FF to test the water, they’ve got the reaction they wanted to go back to the unions and look for something better.[/quote]

The guy on the radio this morning (Conor Lenihan I think), said that the backbenchers were concerned about it due to the high number of calls they had received to their constituency offices in the past couple of days.! I find that hard to believe myself.

But he also pointed out that the deal met none of the 3 criteria which had been agreed surrounding the cuts. These were:

  • Savings of 1.3 Billion
  • Long term solution/cuts
  • No direct impact on public services

[quote=“Rocko”]I can’t understand the FF backbenchers on this.

The most spineless bunch of cunts you could ever meet in your life. The pricks who wouldn’t say a word out of place on expenses, on Bertie’s shameful actions before the tribunal, on the war in Iraq and our facilitation of it, on virtually ever major issue this country has ever faced.

Now in the space of two months they’re up in arms about drink driving and now they’re not happy with the trade unions. Since when did FF backbenchers start caring about public finances?

Think this is pure tactics from FF to test the water, they’ve got the reaction they wanted to go back to the unions and look for something better.[/quote]

In fairness, it hasn’t really been sold though has it. What they seem to be telling us is that the public service can run at the same capacity for the next 12 months with 12 less working days and no disruption to, or reduction in services provided, who is going to be happy with that type of deal?

Well it has the same effect as redundancies were? Everyone keeps complaining that the public service have guaranteed jobs so they can’t let people go and therefore it’s bloated. So this is a way of trimming it down to make it more efficient by spreading the labour and people are still complaining.