So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

these people are either on strike or they are not, they cannot expect to have it both ways.

discipline the fuckers and dock their pay until they provide the service they are paid for.


I was going to change it before I posted and then I thought no, some pervert will spot it and won’t be able to resist

Congrats on being that pervert runt

Sure beats being “inane” :lol:

If any of the lads who deal in counterfeit passports had any sense they’ll be on Molesworth street flogging their wares tomorrow morning.

Kill this cunt Pat

Ireland has 3 passport printing machines? What the fook?

What’s Art Foley on about here?

That’s not Art. Yer man had an Irish accent.

The little bald fat fella with the lisp? I definitely detected a hint of hun off him.

Is the best they could do some ruined Christmas present? Newstalk had someone on earlier who was off to Haiti, made for more compelling listening.

Bomb scare at Dublin passport office

23/03/2010 - 13:23:57
There has been a bomb scare around the area of the Passport Office in Molesworth St in Dublin this afternoon.

The office has been evacuated.

More as we get it.

Read more:

Listening to the radio there at lunch.

Woman interviewed goes, I thought they weren’t answering their phones? How did they get the bomb threat. :smiley:

Standing ovation for Passport Office staff

Delegates at the Civil Public and Services Union conference in Galway have given a standing ovation to their colleagues in the Passport Office.

Workers in the Passport Office have been at the forefront of the industrial action over pay cuts.

Addressing the conference, General Secretary Blair Horan apologised to members of the public affected by the industrial action.

However, he said he would not apologise to anyone for the legitimate action they were taking.

‘We take no pleasure in this industrial action, but we do it out of necessity to protect our already low living standards,’ he said.

The dispute has led to a massive backlog of passport applications and created long queues outside the office earlier this week.

Mr Horan said that some members said they should have taken strike action, but he said that would have meant that no-one would have got a passport.

However, he made it clear that the action would continue until they got a settlement in the current talks that would be acceptable to lower paid workers.

He outlined figures showing that there had been a huge increase over the last ten years in the numbers of top civil servants, who had also done far better in terms of pay.

There was also criticism of the media for what was described as the coordinated demonising of public servants.

One delegate approached the media table and threw pieces of tissue at reporters, saying they should be ashamed of themselves.

However, another delegate approached the table and apologised for the conduct of his colleague.

Pieces of tissue? That makes no sense, unless he’d just wiped his arse with them or something.

On a serious note do you reckon there will be any civil unrest in Ireland in the next few years? Personally I believe media darling Lenihan made an absolute fuck up of the public service cuts last year. I forsee even more stringent cuts over the next couple of years but will people continue to tolerate the top paid civil servants continuing to escape any pay cuts or civil servants in Anglo Irish getting pay rises. I think a proper campaign of civil disobedience could let off some badly needed national steam.

Things will get a lot worse in Ireland before they get better imo.

Depends on how many people loser their jobs. As well as that, how organised is Irish society for political unrest?

How many Irish people actually belong to an organisation? One percent? Hardly ripe for revolution as a society in fairness.

There is virtually no chance of civil unrest in this country. Unless the governemnt double the price of a pint, something that really gets the public excited. Irsih people will continue to bitch and moan but will not do anything. What do we say…“wait until those lads come around looking for a vote next time…I’ll tell where to go”. Heaven forbid that we actually ring them up or actually call into their clinics and give them a bollocking for the way they manage the country.

Its hard to beileve that the old age pensioners managed to have their issues addressed with great haste when they took to the streets and yet the general public would never contemplate such action. Maybe its because they dont belong to any organisation. Or maybe its apathy. I’m going for the latter.

Privilige Days, WTF?

The INTO have vote NOT to reject the proposed Government public sector reform deal by a margin of 308 to 304 votes!

What a bunch of cowards. The deal is a sham and should be rejected as such