So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

You on your cunting Privilige day Art?

God no, im saving it til next monday so i can have 3 short weeks in a row

Nuff said.

Fucking waster.

You shoot too soon mbb, im actually using up the last of my annual leave as the leave year runs to apr 5th and i cant carry and havent been able to take leave because we are short staffed. So im having a week off while the courts are off

Proper order Art. Privilage days and breast feeding days (which I should really be entitled to) are crazy but if someone said to me that I could take a week off for no reason whatsoever then I’m gone.
I would not consider myself a waster, but I’ve done enough of the hard work/nights/weekends etc to reaslise that at the end of the year you get the same wage and you’re still in the firing line becuase “no one is safe anymore”. Unless you’re busy trying to screw over your co-workers to clib the corporate ladder I can’t see any reason to work anything above what you get paid to do.
Unless you like your job, but I’ve not met anyone like that yet, except for Farmer.

Anyone who wants to put their shoulder to the store and give up any spare time that they could take if they want is more than welcome. sadists.


Because of your tender nipples?

Indeed tom, bang on the money as usual. I havent seen you near the darts recently. Id better say nothing about the 5 extra days ill be getting this year for marriage leave or mbb will spotaneously combust

[size=“2”]TUI votes unanimously to reject public sector pay deal[/size]

TUI delegates have given unanimous support to an emergency motion rejecting the proposed public service agreement negotiated at Croke Park last month.

The TUI is the first union to return a rejection of the proposed pay deal.

The motion also reserved the right of the TUI to act independently of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) or other groups.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I like the way Civil Servants think they’re valuable members of society. :lol:

What’s your problem with the new pay deal Foley?

They are only tender cos yer Ma has hairy lips.


Are we SERIOUSLY not going to address this? :rolleyes:

Its no deal at all runty. At the end of the day were being ridiculed and scalped to save anglo. At the moment im acting up to a grade that should be ten k more a year and were short staffed because of the hiring embargo but am down 2.5k on last year. They talk about transforming the cs but its a nonsense until they take the bull by the horns and get rid of the top heaviness and drastically reduce the number of chiefs and increase the number of frontline staff.

Oh and mbb, hilarious you cant see the irony of calling us worthless when you spend your workday looking for pics of scantily clad women and spouting 40 odd inane posts on here

Whats the alternative Art? How do we save the money?

Let anglo and nationwide hit the wall.
Bring in a ceiling on cs pay of 100k max.
Kill off quangos
Start a child support agency and take the money straight from fathers dole and reduce mickey money by that amount
Stop welfare fraud
Thats just off the top of my head

Stuff like this you mean?

Elite civil servants: We deserve a pay rise
By Michael Brennan Political Correspondent

Wednesday April 07 2010

TOP civil servants earning up to €146,000 a year told Finance Minister Brian Lenihan that their work was so important they deserved a pay rise.

Mr Lenihan subsequently decided to give these 150 key personnel – along with 450 other senior state employees – an exemption from the full brunt of the public-service pay cuts.

As part of its campaign against the cuts, the Association of Assistant Secretaries and Higher Grades (AASHG) told Mr Lenihan that their pay of up to €146,000 was “way behind” what was on offer in the private sector.

“Indeed, in other more favourable circumstances, this data would overwhelmingly support the case for an increase,” it said in a series of letters to Mr Lenihan and the Department of Finance.

The revelation of the claims made by the senior civil servants is likely to spark further fury among teachers, gardai, nurses and low-paid public service workers, who are now being asked to vote to accept a deal cementing their full pay cuts.

While cleaners in government departments have taken a 5pc pay cut, the 150 assistant secretaries at the top of the civil service had their basic salaries reduced by just 3pc (from a maximum of €150,000 to €146,000).

Exactamundo. Cant remember the exact stats but i think its one in seventeen earns over 80k in the service



:clap: :clap: