So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

art, you may know this, aren’t some older civil servants still getting a supplement to their wages to make up for the fact some grade levels were changed/amalgamated a good few years back?

I’m not sure of the ins and outs of it but to one woman I know of it was an extra €200 a month.

You’re one odd bucko, which is ok, being odd is fine. Trying to share the limelight of an oddball though is truly the works of a freak, and I now firmly realise what Mac and the others have been on about for so long.

Welcome back nippleboy.

Funnily enough the union leaders fought tooth and nail to get this when they amalgated the clerical assistant, typist, telephonist and clerical officer grades, not to mention bank time. Then they roll over on nama day, makes you wonder. But they and the govt have seriously misguaged the mood of the membership

Do you have more info on what it actually entails and why they still get it? The woman who was telling me about it couldn’t really explain why she ws getting it, just that it was because her grade was merged with another grade a few years back.

They amalgated the grades i listed earlier, but co were on more money and all the other grades were brought up to that scale. The older co were given the extra money because of that

art, do you regret joining the public service?

Nope. Not a bit of it

My only regret is that country is run by an economic traitor and those of flawed pedigree

fair play to ASTI, this so called deal is dead and so it should be

The Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland has voted to reject the public sector pay and reform deal.

ASTI President Joe Moran said the motion was passed overwhelmingly at today’s session of their annual conference in Galway city.

Earlier, ASTI General Secretary John White told delegates that ‘this is a great time of difficulty’ for their members and a time when they will be truly tested.

He said teachers and other public servants have had their take-home pay cut by up to 19%, while their terms and conditions of employment are under attack.

Mr White called on Minister for Educarion Mary Coughlan to lift the moratorium on teacher recruitment before the education of this generation of pupils was ‘irretrievably damaged’.

If Lenihan hadnt botched the public sector paycuts I’d be deriding these unions as selfish fucks. But since he let the elite civil servants and the likes of ESB out of the process, then these ‘public sector reforms’ are inherently flawed. A fact that shouldnt be missed here though is that the union leadership are fighting for their own positions too. An all out public sector strike would bring down the government and could only be welcomed.

Of course there are cost savings that a minister with balls could implement.

For example I’m pretty sure teachers get an extra allowance for having a degree. Of course it is impossible to become a teacher without having a degree so this is a rip off of epic proportions. Masters, Phds etc should only get a supplement if the course is on a Dept of Education approved list. Like a masters in business aint much use to a primary school teacher etc but a Masters in Child Psychology or whatever would be.

The public sector does need serious reform but a government that sailed the country into economic and social meltdown does not have the authority to say what is right and wrong imo.


i agree with a lot of what youre saying kib

there is room for dramatic cuts in the PS, but they haven’t gone about them the right way at all, the people who have lost most in this shitstorm are those with the least and who are the ones least blameable for this, the ones emerging unscathed are the wealthiest and most to blame. plusca change

riots are needed now

maybe if they put a tax on all english slapheads working in the public sector we might claw some of our expenditure back?

how’s the fencing going ?

Who said what now?

Re Foley.

Ah lovely. Siptu have rightly mugged off the luas operators Transdev.
I wonder will Transdev have time to organise a few strike breaker buses before Sunday. The miserable cunts.

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I’m not sure SIPTU are going to get much public love for this.

These Luas ‘drivers’ are a right shower of fucking gurriers.

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Clarkson had the right idea, execute each one of the cunts

They should execute one a day in kilmainham as part of the ongoig festivities.

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Surely 7 a day given the occasion

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