So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

Typical Union shite.

Fucksake the siptu man leadint the charging here is the head of a gypo. We are fucked

These cunts should be arrested and flogged. Holding the country to ransom for ridiculous demands.

In fairness horsebox, they’re going to discourage half the n7 folk from hitting dublin for the 1916 commemorations. Silver linings and all that…

53k a year isn’t enough for driving a tram apparently. In fairness even the SIPTU rep I heard on the radio this evening sounded like he was a bit exasperated by it all but obviously still defended the drivers.

Are they really on €53k a year? Money for old rope considering those things practically drive themselves.

That’s what they would be on with the deal they just rejected.

ah in fairness, it’s not as simple as pushing a button to open and close door and then to pull up and down a lever. Sure it takes a 7 week training course to become an approved driver. 7 weeks is a long time to be on a course to end up on a starting salary of €42,000 per year.

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Maybe. But then you are unsackable

I had a quick read of the start of this thread. Some shower of forelock tugging serfs giving its loads about workers uniting for the betterment of themselves and their society.

I salute any group of workers who take on the might of the likes of IBEC and the wealthy upper classes that mostly own us.
Some of ye lads want us back to the olden days of doffing our caps to Mr Odgen-Stanly -Whitford as he rides through his manor while we shovel shit.

You’re the lad who plans his sick days right? That’s the kind of attitude that represents everything wrong with unions in Ireland currently but in the echo-chamber of certain public/semi-state organisations you get to cod yourself that you’re oppressed. As I said before, the vast majority of the public would have a different view.


quislings and forelock tugging cunts like this west brit here should have all the gains the unions made for him taken off him.

funny thing is this prick probably works a 60 hours week and thinks its good to be so committed. Brimmer has it right and its funny seeing the capitalist lickspittles on here being jealous of his work life balance

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You’re probably right mate - that’s why there has been overwhelming public support for the Luas drivers in pursuit of their reasonable demands which will come at the expense of the taxpayer.

As for Brimmer, sure he prob gets a generous holiday allowance negotiated for him by the unions but its perfectly reasonable that he deserves more so he should just take it. He is worth it.

he certainly is

Well if he applies himself with the same diligence and intelligence in work as he does on various celeb-spotting threads then it would be hard to argue otherwise.

The decision to strike this weekend, while well within their right to do so, could ultimately be as futile as the Rising itself. Only when Transdev start to execute the drivers in the coming days and weeks will the public come onside.

if they Transdev start executing then the public will start coming onside alright, but with Transdev I’d imagine. It doesnt seem like there is any public support of the drivers in this case. Many seemed disgusted that Transdev folded and conceded to an 18% pay increase. Now that the drivers have rejected this, I dont think the public will get onside at all with the drivers.

Weird. I know nobody who is disgusted by the settlement at 18%. New Ross must be some capitalist hotspot.

Only going by reactions on media and people making comments on that or on social media. Cant say I did a study on it or anything.

Everything that’s wrong with unions in Ireland currently? Please expand.
And yet conditions of employment are getting worse. It’s shit that union people won’t accept that their lives should be shit and poorly remunerated.