So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

gman fran and pikeman are outraged- lolz

from 0 to seething just like that

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It’s gas how the lads moaning about the Denis o Brien and Donald Trump see fit to also criticise the union movement which is the only thing saving us all from becoming slaves to their empires.
The luas drivers are availing of the laws of the democratic state to better their positions in the workplace and in their lives and some of the brains on here see fit to knock them for it. What right have ye to comment on dispute between a group of staff and a giant corporation.


think you misunderstood me pal, I’m in fine form. It’s Good Friday and the weather is smashing out. I hope the drivers can get their 54% increase, they deserve it what with all they have to put up with.

The entitlement culture that sees situations where unions either tacitly or explicitly encourage their members to treat sick day as some sort of additional holiday benefit.

The idea of unions is a great one. However, in Ireland it seems to be largely used in the state and semi-state sector and is largely disassociated from the real world. There is a negotiating imbalance and ultimately due to the protected nature of these sectors it’s the public and taxpayer who pays.

The deal done on new entrants during the croke park deals shows you exactly where unions feel about protecting workers. When given a reduced pie, they chose to keep it for their existing members and pull the ladder up on younger lower paid workers. Ultimately when push came to shove their rhetoric proved to be just that. It’s protectionism for a minority wrapped up in cheap talk about helping all workers.


real world?

the private sector that ruined this country and got bailed out is the real world?

the mechanisms of the state arent the real world

wtf is this shit

up your game mate and stay away from the inane cliches

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The real world is companies that have to compete to generate revenue to pay workers. For example, they just can’t increase taxes or fares to do it because they would go out of business.

A lot of interests caused the difficulties in this country including unsustainable increases in public spending, largely spent on wages, but you already knew that. In the private sector, large numbers of companies went under, laid off workers or reduced wages. The banks were the only part of the private sector bailed out directly.

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Cringe. The forum’s champagne socialist puts his screaming Mary commie hat on. Defending poorly educated button pushers who want to be paid the same as junior doctors while he free wheels down the fingal Rivera scoffing oysters and heehawing at the proletariat. Your hypocrisy is sickening but not surprising, unfortunately.


Where were the private sector employees in the early 00s when they private sector pay surpassed the public pay ?
Coming from one of the few sectors which had to strike during the ‘boom’ don’t fucking lecture me on how unjust the pay grades are vs the private sector.
The private sector weren’t long about pulling the ladder up after them and laughing into the faces of the ‘public sector fools’ working for a pittance as I was told on one occasion.
But now that it’s the other way around the whinging is rife.

i understand what the private sector is numbnuts. I just dont want to hear inane shit like “the real world”

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For a man whining about cliches, you were pretty quick to reach for Liveline staples like “ruined the economy” and “bailed out”.

FFS, the arrogance is dripping off you.

How did the private sector pull the ladder up on you? Which oppressive force was stopping you from applying for jobs back then?

When arguing with you, it’s pretty hard not to feel arrogant pretty quickly.


you must be rattled if you feel this is an argument

Huh ?
Don’t really understand the question.


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Great, great men.

A monkey could ‘drive’ those trams.
I wouldn’t pay any man more than 32,100 per annum to operate the fucking things.

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Theres something seriously fucked up when a garda starts on 23k and these cunts starting on 31. By the way Jack O’Connor is a cunt

Start living in the real world, pal.