So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

Relax guy.

It’s just an opinion encouraging debate and discussion, if somebody can hit me with pragmatic bombs on this I will stand down. I am open to correction but from the views I have take on board and the knowledge at hand, I feel teachers have a brass neck to feel anything other than blessed with their working situation.

You will stand down? I don’t think there is literally one thing that could be said on any topic that would make you concede a point

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What statement? That a teacher can do a level 9 in any fucking subject under the sun and get nearly 3k a year thereafter? Nowhere else to my knowledge in to public sector does this happen. Just a perk the ASTI and INTO dreamt up for themselves.

Perfect if the topic of research is relevant to the job. Up until it was abolished it was a box ticking exercise to get more cash.

I’ve always been willing to take being proven wrong on board, always - I’ve just yet to meet my better or else my better just happens to agree with everything I say.

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You clearly have no clue what a modern teachers life is like.

Most people nowadays join because they like to teach and like young people or kids. Its “handy number” title is well dead.

I do not understand people being pissed off with someone else going for/taking a job that has a pension. Its a nice comfort to have to stay motivated and not have people leaving the profession too easily which is upsetting for schools and students.

I don’t but you do?

you are a wonderful debater


Teaching is still an extremely handy number. Yes it’s much improved on days of yore but kids as foicking to it as its handy. It can be stressful if you are useless but that’s the way it should be. The hours are handy. The holidays are a joke.


Has it been abolished in the public sector? I worked as a teacher in the private sector for a few years. It not only happens there but it is also encouraged. Obviously if you are a teacher thinking of doing a masters you will do one in a related area, because it’s more interesting and easier because of your previous experience and education.

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He is a trooper. Probably the one guy here you’d need your head examined to be getting into a debate with.

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Any woman who wants a decent career after having children would want her head examined not to consider teaching

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there’s no other way to put, its handy number. I always get a good laugh out of lads filling you with shite telling you about all the “preparation” they have to do. It a part time job basically, sure aren’t the inter country managers teachers, teaching allows them to concentrate on the real job, managing football and hurling teams. All the thickos in my class, took the easy option, joining the guards, the country council or became teachers, anyone with a bit of ambition, a bit of get up and go, got a real job


It’s gone, was only every for teachers. Don’t forget the Master’s was also paid for by the state, they are usually 10k part-time.

Someone with your lack of emotio al intelligence wouldn’t last till lunch time in a teaching role.

Not everyone had the points to become an imaginary alter-ego mate


Absolutely yes. I work in schools, i have teachers as clients and i work with a number of “special population” kids. Not to mention that 80% of clients would have school going kids

He mightn’t be that bad @caoimhaoin, he’d be well used to dealing with a mix of kids anyway.
Every morning his kitchen is like a League of Nations convention with all the different creeds and breeds that he’s stepfather to.


Women kept leaving him ya?

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On the other hand with Grammar schools you are being selective at age 11 and writing kids off as failures at a young age.

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What’s that got to do with anything?

I’m not cut out for teaching. Because i hate other peoples childeren. I don’t particularly like long holidays. I thrive on accountability. I am ambitious. I don’t but if I wanted small increments I’d like to be able go out and make them and not just moan.
Teaching wouldn’t be for me.