So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

In a nutshell yeah. He’s shacked up with a wan now that has ‘high mileage’.
That along with a couple of other lads kids.

On the other hand Kev how can people stay motivated doing the same thing for 40 years?

A master

I also know teachers. That means we’re equal in that regard.

You’re thick as pig shit though which gives me a distinct advantage.

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Grammer schools are now a failure

Do you work in schools?

Same could be said for anything. Some teachers would you tell you its the fact that the kids keepe changing year to year.

But its a good question.

You work as a school janitor?

@caoimhaoin , what ever happened to the Irish girl (stumpy) you went to Aus with,?
Wasn’t she a long time girlfriend of yours at the time?

She eventually moved to Canada. Didn’t work out at all in the end over there. Both of us on a different buzz.

I’ll take that as a no.

Yeah it would need to be nuanced and allow kids move into a grammar school later or move out

Not sure written off as failures but directed towards Trades etc.

Lot of third level education in Ireland seems to be for sake of it. Doing certificates in bar management where an apprenticeship is all you need

Even in professions there is a move to replace university with Apprenticeships - accountancy is one which recently brought that in again

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I’ll take that as a yes.

Do you think you’re Will Hunting?


Have you seen what replaced them in UK

She left you.

Ya. Older nurses and doctors would tell you the same about nursing since it became a University degree. Ernst & Young have changed their recruitment alright. The people from Bandages generation were pretty useless apparently.

Central Europe and Scandanavia seem to have set ups like this with quite a while. I know ohysio and medicine is similar in Germany.

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No. I decided to stay in Perth to further my career.

This is just bollox. Teaching is unbelievably varied in terms of handiness depending on the school you teach in. There is a world of difference between the lives/stress levels of teachers teaching in a high-achieving all girls school and some teacher pulling savages apart all day in a DEIS school in some inner city. Throwing a blanket over that and calling it a handy number is ridiculous and lazy. I would imagine you have no idea whatsoever about the hours a teacher works and are talking about ‘classtime’ which completely neglects prep and corrections.
One thing I never understand is why people like yourself love disparaging teaching and seething over their wages. If it’s a handy number go and do it. Live that quality life you think they have and the come back to us.

Also, a new shit teacher these days has fuckall chance of getting a decent(permanent pensionable) job. They are paroled to fuck and get shafted on hours. Those temporary jobs do not get wages in the summer btw, most of them get summer jobs.

Interesting article here for @Nembo_Kid

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All things being equal teaching is an extremely handy number.

What other job has four months holidays and a 30k+ starting salary for graduates?

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Yes you stayed and she left.