So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

I have heard/read coaching educators, teachers and coaches talk about it on webonars and in forums etc. But don’t have a deepnu derstanding of it.

I’d say you’d want to be a fair lazy / useless fucker to just stay a regular run of the mill Garda your whole career.

Thats what happened yes.

Thats life. Its all about timing.

Is it not an inverse thing with pigs, the more useless/lazy you are the further you go?

Goway with your prep and corrections for jaysus sake.
They get 12/13 weeks holidays a year? Secondary add another 2 or 3.

It’s a jokeshop of a setup.

Teachers should get 2 weeks holidays in summer and should be made do projects in the community for the remainder of it.


Absolutely. Sometimes men get dumped and sometimes women feel like they need to leave a continent to get away from a man.

In a nuthsell, this would soon separate the chancers from the genuine people who are qualified and passionate about what it is they were doing.

Compare and contrast the perks teachers have in contrast with childcare workers. You get the feeling that teachers would down their nose at a childcare worker.

How many graduates get this starting pay? Zero these days.

How many teachers get four months holidays? No primary teacher in Ireland does . So that’s more than half of the teachers or thereabouts gone?

These are facts. So the facts you supposedly rely on for your argument are half-baked lazy assumptions based on fuckall or some girl you may have known years ago.(I’d imagine most of the forum wouldn’t believe you were going out with this lady.) Savage day for the logical reasoning you pride yourself on.

The establishment stooge clearly rattled by a few home truths ny nembo

I have no doubt that happens. Men can be awful cunts, stalking and beating women. Horrible cunts should be castrated.

Simply due to a supply/demand issue.

My point is that teaching is greatly incentivised as a career choice due to the desirable staring salary relative to the hours with the cherry on top being the 4 months off in the year. Take the four months away from them, put it in line with the what doctors, nurses, guards and other public service standard leave and then see how much of the supply will soon pour away.

I don’t mean to generalise but there’s a reason why the entry requirements in Ireland would be a lot higher than they would be across the continent. Relative to other sectors (both public and private), teachers get away with murder. There are loads of good teachers who are probably great at their job and work hard but I don’t think it is scandalous that they get 4 months or close to it off in the year.

Compare the work doctors and nurses do compared to them.

Fair enough. I suppose if you discount a chunk of the work out of a teacher’s job then they have less work. Makes sense. Irish and particularly English teachers have massive correction workloads btw.
Also, primary teachers in Ireland do have to do the work in the summer you talk of. But don’t let that stop your out of date generalisations.

You’re the guy who knows all the facts, so tell me.

What period of summer holidays do primary school teachers get?

Mid June - September or something like that, I’ll go with 10 weeks?

How many mid term breaks? Easter/Halloween? I’ll go with another 3 weeks here?

And the Christmas holidays? 2 weeks there?

That is what 15 weeks? What other job gets 75 annual leave days with a working week of about 30 hours whereby some of them may be free classes and such.


Correction workloads?

They are working with 8 year olds FFS, they are not correcting thesis and dissertations on quantum physics.


Between your annual leave and your posting time on here on your company time it definitely comes to 75 days

Sure lookit, hasn’t it all worked out for the best. Didn’t you find the woman of your dreams. Isn’t she happy as Larry here. Life for both of you is full. What more could you have wished for.


I spend on average 45 hours in my office during the week on 39 hour contract, I meet my targets without fail. My posting is not frequent during working hours - mainly on my lunch break or tea break. You can monitor it if you wish.


I dont believe one word of it

This is 100% correct

The proof is in the pudding. Go analyse my posting trends.

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