So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

Question was asked and answered.
Who’s being selective now?

I’m also going to go ahead and cast serious doubt over your 8-10 days of CPD in July?

Please back it up with a link from an accountable body which states:

a) It is mandatory
b) It last been 8 and 10 full days during school off time in summer
c) Need to be done on an annual basis

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No flip flopping. You asked a specific question about primary, you fuckwit, so I answered accordingly.

My general point about teachers involved some of the extra work they do and I used Irish and English as a specific example.

You and your buddy @HBV have responded by shouting ‘fuck that’ in the face of actual arguments. You yourself decided to inflate your figures to boost your argument and overshot by 50% or so. That’s fine. I’ve got the inner calm of a teacher and am used to dealing with both imbeciles and immature fuckwits. I have you both covered.


I think the fact that he is flip flopping on selective issues between different types of schools in order to give inconsistent, favourable justification is flawed.

He should argue a consistent case for one first before switching to another.

I’m trying to ascertain:

a) the working hours teachers put in during a week
b) the amount of annual leave they have during the year

I have to say you are coming across and very evasive and disingenous in your answers.

Please provide some links outlining the CPD courses you talk of.

Wrong. You asked one set of questions which were specific to primary teachers. I answered them. The general and lazy thrust of the thread has been against teachers in general and I will use whatever examples I see fit to combat such lazy logic. That’s quite fair.

Go search the CPD yourself and come back to us. I’ve tagged @RaymondCrotty as he will know this shit and I trust him to give an honest answer. If it slightly lowers the % you overshot your estimate by it won’t bother me in the slightest.


I did.

And you decided to thrust in secondary school teachers in your next segment because their particular criteria was more favourable in that regard. As I said, you are being misleading and deliberately disingenuous with the facts which casts a shadow over your defence.

So you decided to decided to automatically deduct 8-10 days off without actually having the slightest clue? Very misleading, very disingenuous, why?


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A& B) Well then look it up. They may have spoonfed you information in the british education system but I don’t believe in that.*

My answers have been extremely clear. Anyone reading this thread will see that.

He’s a better idea than you. I very much doubt he’s out by 50% anyway.
Night now fella, you can whitewash this one whatever way you like from here on in.

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You have sought to defend teachers and refute assumptions that are put forward about their annual leave and working hours. You have attempted to shout down these assumptions on the basis of what we can now see, past confusion, as explicit ignorance. Why?

Wrong. I was dealing with a separate bullshit point of yours. There’s an arrow to look up at the post I’m referring to. It’s not my fault if you cannot keep up with all the different horseshit you spout in order to muddy the waters/bore people into submission.


He’s a better idea, he’s after admitting he doesn’t know, the only thing is he was giving bigguns that we are wrong to question teachers and their workload when he knows as little as the rest of us.

Nothing automatic about it. I know they do CPD in July. Search the teachers thread for confirmation. The issue is that there is an option of doing extra days in lieu which may be used later in the year. So I am not definite on how many.

You on the other hand know nothing. Bland lazy assertions based on sloppy assumptions and the prusemption that no one will bother to challenge anything you say because they cant be arsed.

You never told me that was an assumption.

I say 75 in full disclosure that this is an estimated figure, you tell me I’m wrong at it is 50.

I ask you for proof of this and you disclose that you don’t actually know.


You tell us this, I ask you to prove.

Silence, a backtrack to tell us you don’t actually knw.


You try and downplay the time off that teachers have and use Primary School teachers as the vehicle for this, then on the other hand you try and talk up workloads that teachers have and use secondary school teachers as the subject for this? Why the need to be sneaky?

I have a preconceived idea of teachers, your arguments did not wash with me but you put them forward in such a pompous, indulgent manner that I said I would allow you try and woo me. You have shown yourself to not only be disingenuous and evasive but also a bluffer of the highest standard.

Why don’t you go knock yourself out on my hastily typed, unvetted post? Give you a right good tickle for your corrections workload.

I put a point of view forward, honest in the fact that I was open to be corrected on these matters.

You challenged this viewpoint in a pompous and assured manager. I called you out on it and asked you to provide something substantive behind and BOOM, the once pompous, surly know it all is backtracking at a ferocious rate.

I have provided answers for all the above in earlier posts. As is your style, you won’t be checking them. I’ve invited you to check the school calendar and provided a simple website, but you don’t want to. Your views are, as ever unshakeable. We all know how this works. I’ll be going to bed, and you’ll tell the internet you won because I wouldn’t stay up all night googling primary school calendars. Have a look at the teachers unions websites if you wish and feel free to review your horseshit 75 days down accordingly.

Textbook @Nembo_Kid.

You asked what other profession had 75 days holidays. The number was definite in your twisted mind. It is the very definition of Arrogance that a man with zero knowledge of this area would be so sure. Good night.

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