So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

You have provided answers alright. The thing is despite delivering your answers in a pompous, assured and not up for discussion manner, when pressed, you have been forced to admit that you don’t know whether your assumptions are any more correct than mine.

You obviously have to see how disingenuous and misleading that makes you look? I have asked you to back up your claims, you’re asking me to find them - either acknowledge that you don’t know or back up your assertions. I’m the cynic here, I have put you on the spot with your assertion and the pompous, shit eating grin has been firmly wiped from your face.

Wrong. Your 75 days has been reduced to 50 in my estimate. Upon correction this may rise slightly. So the figure you exaggerated by may come down from 50% to mid 40s. The shit eating grin is firmly on my face still. Good night, for real.

I was very open and honest about my calculations and that were a very rough estimate. You on the other hand assertively said they were wrong and I had over estimated them by 50%. You then proceeded to stand over these claims until pressed into admitting that you had nothing to back them up and were unsure about how much of what you claimed was actually true.

You tried to bluff me, you got busted up.

You’ve backtracked from a pompous, assertive tone to dealing in ifs, buts and maybes. The fact is you don’t know despite trying to pass yourself off as someone who is informed on the matter. You vastly inflate your intelligence and your knowledge.


@Juhniallio vindicated. These courses can cost up to €80 for teachers to do.

This is not the first time I have witnessed an attack from a Brit on the Irish Education System, which consistently out performs the British Education System.


So you can do 4 days summer courses and get an extra 2 days annual leave which basically works out a negative of 2 days?

Also, nowhere in that circular does it state that courses are compulsory, the only stipulation it states is that attending them entitles you to extra personal vacation.

From my reading into this.

  • It is not mandatory
  • It is only done so teachers can take extra time off during school days
  • In other words, it is a discretionary waiving of summer holidays for holidays during the school year

Something Juhy wished to conceal in order to embellish his defence of teacher’s annual leave.

We’re back up to 60, guys.

They also have up to a possible 5 days personal leave which can be granted.

Up to 65 days.

Why did Juhy try and conceal these facts from us?

I never said they were compulsory, they are not. They are for emergency days during the school leave. And it’s a minimum of 5 days CPD Courses, and the teacher must pay for the course. If the teacher takes the day or days during the year no sub teacher is put in for the day.

So @Juhniallio is correct regarding CPD during the summer.

You are also miles out on the holidays but he has also destroyed you in that area. Don’t blame him though mate, blame the British School Curriculum. They underperform and their citizens suffer


He concealed facts from us in order to further his argument.

He tried to lowball the leave primary school teachers have by putting forward a discretionary option to waive days. What he did not disclose was the fact this was a discretionary option and that unless the teacher opted to do so, they did not lose 8-10 days of their summer holidays like he claimed.

We’re back up to 60.

On further rooting by myself, we are back up to a prospective 65. That’s my pragmatic self there, doing the research, showing Juhy up for the deliberately misleading sneak he is.

What other jobs give you 65 annual leave days a year?

Are we talking in Britain or in the Republic of Ireland?

I don’t know, is the answer “the best ones?”

They can decide to take three consecutive sick leave days without a medical cert. :grinning:

Eligible teachers may take a maximum of 3 consecutive school days sick leave without providing a medical

Up to primary teachers how many PD days they do. Most teachers do five days (equivalent of one PD course) or ten days (two courses). Some do three courses or fifteen days.

Just my tuppence worth (most of which is not really relevant to debate above)…Most credible studies seem to suggest the pupil teacher contact time in Irish Primary system is about right. Have not taught in the Irish system for a few years but it is very highly regarded internationally and that is despite the very low spend (primary level in particular) and having the second largest class sizes in EU. The good performance can be largely accredited to the quality of teaching in the Irish system. The quality of the teacher is by far and away the important factor in delivering good education. Teaching profession has taken serious knock in Ireland over past ten/fifteen years. Treatment of newly qualified teachers (of which I am not one) has been shameful and will have serious long term repercussions for the state. If the government are serious about improving the education system they need to ensure they do everything to ensure they attract best quality teachers. Looking from afar it seems like they are not really interested in doing this.


He has absolutely no idea how to evaluate “hours”. An hour with 25 kids is alot more stressful/tiring than being on a mens forum wasting your bosses time & money.

secondary school teachers get
12 weeks in the summer
2 at Christmas
2 at Easter
2 at mid term break
half days every day
on average 1 week of strikes a year

primary school teacher is slightly less but mot much less

Lecturers in IoTs in Ireland get
12 weeks in summer
1 week at midterm (reading week)
3 weeks at Christmas
1 week at spring midterm (reading week)
2 weeks at Easter

18 contact hours with students

Lecturers in Universities get far less as they are pressured to conduct research during the summer as it contributes to department funding. The IoT sector does practically no research.

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So just 10 weeks holidays plus 2 weeks PD they have to do in the summer thats not compulsory :smile:

It’s an extremely handy number.

Only someone who grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth could argue otherwise.

That’s a bit harsh on the British school system mate, can you imagine trying to teach that lepjack?

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Nobody ever thought him anything

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