So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

Thanks @RaymondCrotty. So @Nembo_Kid my revised figure goes to 58 to your 75. Although as Crotty says most primary teachers work some summer ones for less days in lieu so the real figure comes down 2 to 56 or less. I’m not sure what bollox you are suggesting with other sick days etc. The figures remain your 75 to my 50 with a real amount of about 58.

funny seeing a member of the Labour party who tried to destroy the Oirish education system being so defensive in regards to teachers.

Very funny

That’s a bizarre argument. How can you assess the handiness of a job without referring to the actual work done?
It’s like saying being a hooker must be a handy number cos you sit around most of the day.


Cruelty to kid to have them in school any longer anyways which is the most important thing. They need the break as much as the teachers

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utter horseshit

we have short hours compared to proper countries

Expand please. How did they try to destroy it?
Quinn’s reforms like making the junior cert cycle less exam based and more project /continuous assessment based? Or getting fitness to practice tribunals past the teachers unions? What was it they did to destroy the education system?

Exactly. He cannot learn. Its his upbringing obviously.

What’s bizarre is arguing a role that requires less than 40 hours a week gives 12 weeks holidays per annum and doesn’t have performance reviews or targets is not a handy number.

Hookers are by and large self employed so get no laid holidays and have to set their own business targets. So that’s also a silly comparison.

Neither profession enjoys seeing you walk in the door I’d say.


Indeed :laughing:

-You refuse to accept correction or prep as work here but you would be disgusted if your kid’s teachers weren’t doing either. So I take your assessment of the working hours of teachers.

-Hookers are mostly self employed? They are in their hole!*

@hbv teachers do have lovely holidays by the way. I used to hit Thailand /Malaysia /Australia regularly on mine when I was a teacher. Went diving loads. Fantastic life.

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Typical FF attitude be a sheep rather than a leader

Why do you say it requires less than 40 hours a week? I know plenty of teachers who work in excess of that.


He says that because he’s an ignorant cunt spoiling for an argument and he’s taken his lead from his gang.

You were a teacher and you didn’t know the holiday entitlements, fucking hell - you couldn’t possibly be making a worse case for them never mind the fact you are actually trying to defend them.

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You have been dismantled here, destroyed even.

Your bitterness towards the success and high standards of the Republic’s superb educational record is bursting through your posts. Does this jealousy of the Republic permeate your whole outlook on life mate?

Maybe if your ancestors had fought when they were supposed to instead of blowing up women and children when the horse had bolted we wouldn’t even be having this conversation now (hoping the ‘horse had bolted’ bit hasn’t flew over your poorly educated Brit head)


Destroyed. Dismantled. Decimated.

He can’t be beaten fella. He’s like one of those Japanese ww2 soldiers they found in some jungle somewhere in the 80s still fighting the war.

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