So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

You’re a tireless bore with a generic empty vessel persona.

Do us a favour and take a hike.

“clients” :smile:

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You’d think they’d be sick of getting laid and wouldn’t want to do that on their holidays in fairness.


I’m the tireless bore? Fucking hell, take a step back and have a look at yourself there pal. Every week your on here trying to debate something you know fuck all about.

You are beaten, you are seething and you should fuck off and enjoy the wedding for yourself. Mate.

Let it go horse. At least a badger looses it’s grip once it breaks it’s neck. This lad is heading that way



I’m doing my best

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I’m not at a wedding, you generic spambot.

Now fuck off.

In primary school what marking exactly takes place that takes so much time it can’t be done in the hour after the kids go home?
Break down each class from junior infant to 6th .

And prep. Most course work is from workbooks nowadays. Prep work should be done within the 12 weeks + (someone please confirm exact numbers) holidays that teachers use to give grinds and music lessons and coaching sports teams.
Leaving aside the obscene paid leave, primary teachers teach what 30 hours a week?
If you can’t do your prep and correct some spelling tests over another 10 hours a week then you are not very good at your job.

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Generic Spambot! :joy:

You need the ride mate. Badly. Enjoy your day.

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What do you work at mate?

people who live in the free state

I design manufacture and sell a product in the open market.

Snap. That’s exactly what I do.

As I said, marking would mostly be secondary school. Although the other day the little lady came home from junior infants with a tick and a gold star beside her colouring for the sound ‘p’. Savage stuff.
I’m not a primary school teacher and never have been so I won’t be going in dep th from infants to sixth class thanks.

Cheers mate

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No bother.

Actually it is.

Magic beans?